Black History Month Profiles: Belle Allen

This year, for Black History Month, we’re taking a look at a group of leaders who are currently active making Black history across the labor movement. Check back daily for a new profile and meet some of the people working to improve not only their community, but also to improve conditions for working people across the country. Today’s profile is Belle Allen of the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).
As the training director for the newly formed IATSE Local 480 Training Center, a 10,000-square-foot facility located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Belle Allen is a proud and active nine-year member of the local in New Mexico. Allen also currently serves as the co-chair of the local’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. “Our committee took to the streets, organizing and marching with Black Lives Matter and participating in ecumenical marches designed to bring knowledge and unity. We have so much more that unites than divides us. I’m also proud to share that this local and its leadership, are striving to lead the way toward equality and unity in their dedication to outreach and solidarity,” she added.
Kenneth Quinnell
Mon, 02/28/2022 – 10:00