Congress Must Support Paid Leave for All

If we’re going to Build Back Better in the United States, paid leave has to be part of the solution. Not only does paid leave save jobs, it boosts our economy. Investing in paid leave is just an important part of our infrastructure as investments in roads and bridges.
Paid leave and care policies are vitally important. These policies boost both workers and businesses, particularly women of color. They keep working people in our jobs, and makes sure that workers have the medical and benefits that are as important now as ever in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In connection with other policies, paid leave would contribute to millions of new jobs, billions in new wages and trillions in gross domestic product.
Paid leave is a key to our long-term health, stability and prosperity by allowing workers to heal, recover and spend time with our families when it’s necessary or important. It allows working people to take care of each other and ourselves.
These investments also are crucial for small businesses. Paid leave helps give small businesses the ability to compete with big corporations on a more level playing field. It’s also a strong workplace retention policy, lowering costs needed to train and retain workers.
Evidence already shows that states with paid leave policies see benefits not only for workers, but businesses and the larger communities around them. Paid leave is cost-effective, both in terms of maintaining public health and for boosting the economic recovery. We can’t afford not to pass it.
Take action now and tell Congress to support paid leave for all.
Kenneth Quinnell
Mon, 09/20/2021 – 12:48