Equality for Women in the Workplace: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
A. Philip Randolph Institute:
We’d like to say thank you to our board member Fred Mason for leading the discussion this past week This week we’ll be joined by Isreal Cason, Community Activist & President and CEO of I Can’t – We Can
Please join us Wednesday, at 6PM ET!https://t.co/xwo6sEnCoZ pic.twitter.com/dRcEORraNl— APRI National (DC) (@APRI_National) August 24, 2021
Actors’ Equity:
.@UnionPlus is honoring hardworking union members who are putting our country back on its feet w/ the Unions Power America Contest! Submit a photo of you working on a union job or in your community w/ a caption of how you power America for a chance to win!https://t.co/STJAqnfLUC pic.twitter.com/n3KErEJDFR
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) August 27, 2021
#WomenEqualityDay is an opportunity to reflect on the continuing struggle for equality in the workplace. Today we’re reminded that we all have the responsibility to continue to work towards a society that gives women an equal voice in the workplace, the community, and the world. pic.twitter.com/X1RAc3HbDK
— AFGE (@AFGENational) August 26, 2021
So many of the victories we have achieved in the commonwealth hang in the balance. Maintaining a pro-worker majority “is the difference between continuing Virginia’s march toward a worker-friendly future and turning back the clock,” Saunders said. https://t.co/JVsXtafVua
— AFSCME ✊ Pass the #PROAct (@AFSCME) August 26, 2021
Alliance for Retired Americans:
President Biden can stop bad policies like these in their tracks by making sure that USPS leadership’s focus is on the mission of delivering essential goods and services.
Sign our petition here: https://t.co/okJTV8DkFY https://t.co/IDdBsF7d2v
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) August 26, 2021
Amalgamated Transit Union:
#DeltaVariant #COVID19 #1u pic.twitter.com/3D3EqgJo7I
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) August 27, 2021
American Federation of Teachers:
Last week, we lost @EdinburghAFT member Rosa Pacheco to Covid after 35 years on the job. Today, we visited her students @SanCarlosElms to honor her, and all the lives lost during the pandemic.
With the help of @FirstBook we donated 250 books, backpacks, and masks to her school. pic.twitter.com/OX2g0C74vt
— AFT (@AFTunion) August 27, 2021
American Postal Workers Union:
APWU NNC Presents Contract Negotiation Updates at Virtual Town Hall #APWUnited https://t.co/gPtXLhHlAl
— APWU National (@APWUnational) August 25, 2021
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
When I was in school, I wish I was taught the framework to how immigration policy in U.S. history racialized classism to understand my own family’s immigration story. We must #TeachTruth so #WeWontLie to our own children will know their own self and histories.
– Maggie, APALA pic.twitter.com/ZT0iei8rTz
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) August 26, 2021
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
Flight Attendants raise our hands to help immediately & every time. This time is no different. Already, Flight Attendants at several airlines are working flights—safely ushering thousands of evacuees to the U.S. https://t.co/sEeUOHtXqm pic.twitter.com/0ijgy7U5HO
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) August 26, 2021
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
WHY are Nabisco products “Made in Mexico” being shipped 2,250 miles to be sold in Portland when there is a @MDLZ bakery making the SAME STUFF five minutes away? 🤔 #NabiscoStrike #BCTGMvoices #laborradiopod #1u pic.twitter.com/1A2hdhn7y6
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) August 24, 2021
This California issue impacts #Boilermakers everywhere. Help spread the word that carbon capture technologies #CCUS is the right solution, and visit this site to contact legislators: https://t.co/1royhpoI9D pic.twitter.com/9KNZxgdNUm
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) August 24, 2021
We urge Congress to listen to the American people and pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the build back better budget now. pic.twitter.com/YqxMoOa9N5
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) August 26, 2021
California School Employees Association:
Our top priority is, and always has been, ensuring the safety of students and staff. Read our statement on @CAgovernor‘s decision to require vaccines or regular testing for school staff: pic.twitter.com/Ry65ItgMVI
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) August 11, 2021
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
The @CBTU72 Townhall is underway. (L-R) Moderator Mark Thompson, CBTU President Terry Melvin, APRI President and CBTU executive board member Clayola Brown, and AFSCME President Lee Saunders. #cbtu50gold pic.twitter.com/XYO327tWgQ
— CBTU (@CBTU72) August 26, 2021
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
We aim to help @AFLCIO President @LizShuler to change this!
“(Liz) Shuler and others acknowledged that the number of women union leaders still falls short of reflecting their numbers in the ranks.” https://t.co/POyq3IqQUN
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) August 24, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
CWA healthcare members in upstate NY are fighting for a fair contract & safe staffing levels.
Catholic Health needs to put patient care over profits. Our healthcare workers & communities deserve better.
Thank you to all who showed up in support at the info picket yesterday. ✊ pic.twitter.com/vjBTtsYcHK
— CWA (@CWAUnion) August 26, 2021
Department for Professional Employees:
Hilton’s plan to end automatic daily housekeeping would make housekeepers’ workloads even more painful – because rooms are much dirtier after days without cleaning.
That’s wrong.
Join us & tell @HiltonHotels that hotel rooms should be cleaned every day: https://t.co/k6DTFKfRR2 pic.twitter.com/GPWonYF6tc
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) August 26, 2021
Electrical Workers:
Pro-worker majority restored at the National Labor Relations Board. https://t.co/v8PwjyYA44
— IBEW (@IBEW) August 26, 2021
Fire Fighters:
COVID-19 calls spreading #firefighters thinhttps://t.co/n8rJpqmoy4
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) August 27, 2021
Heat and Frost Insulators:
The HFIAW “Professional Craftsman Code of Conduct” (PCCC) is a program to promote jobsite excellence and customer satisfaction. Learn more about what makes the insulators quality of work so high here: https://t.co/uWroL8MMbP
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) August 27, 2021
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
Ahead of House Consideration of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, IFPTE Urges Lawmakers to Restore Federal Oversight of Voting Rights https://t.co/GdwkDtmAEi
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) August 24, 2021
International Labor Communications Association:
You can do it! Register here and go for it! https://t.co/YE5gXXzanS pic.twitter.com/FWIZOhUfc6
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) August 25, 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor is predicting the overall employment of Ironworkers to grow 13% from 2021 to 2026. Ironworkers Local Union 709 has recently added on to their state-of-the-art Apprenticeship Training Center.https://t.co/XWeDnAeZqC
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) August 20, 2021
Jobs With Justice:
Join us on 10/6 for our annual Awards Celebration! AKA the Oscars of the Labor Movement🏆
This year, we’re celebrating the folks who brought the stories of #EssentialWorkers to the national spotlight — @RWDSU, the cast of @NBCSuperstore + more
Tickets: https://t.co/euGyyol9tS pic.twitter.com/7adcwKlNzu
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) August 26, 2021
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
On this #WomensEqualityDay, we invite you take action against the gender pay gap by applying to our Trabajadoras Fellowship or learning more about the problem at https://t.co/m0UR99XzBy. #LatinaEqualPay #trabajadoras #labor #unionstrong pic.twitter.com/LCVlJXRhWV
— Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (@LCLAA) August 26, 2021
Labor Heritage Foundation:
Working In DC brings the spirit of the legendary Studs Terkel to life for the Washington, DC community. Find out more at https://t.co/VMFPqC7XoE pic.twitter.com/31TWSS3ibh
— Labor Heritage (@LaborHeritage1) August 25, 2021
The #BipartisanInfrastructureFramework is still pending in Congress. Let’s make our voices heard and make them FEEL OUR POWER because we WANT to #BUILDBACKBETTER
🚨 TIME TO ACT 🚨 – https://t.co/tDHRedaFfu
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) August 27, 2021
Our Machinists Union members at @CascadesDD/@CascadesSD in Niagara Falls, NY have been seeking a first labor contract since 2019.
Join our fight! Tell CEO Mario Plourde that it’s long overdue to give their workers the fair contract they deserve. https://t.co/eC9fslcDfb
— Machinists Union | Pass the #PROAct (@MachinistsUnion) August 26, 2021
Maritime Trades Department:
Second of three stories on the Maritime Trades Department 75th Anniversary.https://t.co/gHKp0sJ08G pic.twitter.com/CUaVZYURzR
— MaritimeTrades (@Maritime_Trades) August 26, 2021
Metal Trades Department:
In 1936 and 1937, the Flint Michigan sit down strike took place at the General Motors plant. The workers went on strike against a various number of things including pay. This event led to the collective unionization of automobile workers across the United States.#LaborHistory pic.twitter.com/Vm7IZgraqW
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) August 27, 2021
Mine Workers:
It appears that it is now open season on strikers walking the picket lines anywhere in NLRB Region 10!
– @CecilRoberts https://t.co/t73koDT2WC— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) August 25, 2021
Musical Artists:
On Friday, AGMA joined @BloombergTV for a discussion on the hopeful return of the performing arts. You can fast forward to minute mark 17:46 for the AGMA spotlight: https://t.co/31alPCg5Y0 pic.twitter.com/U2rqemTAlX
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) August 23, 2021
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
ICYMI In late July, a team of NATCA members once again volunteered their time at this event to represent the very best of our profession to the general aviation (GA) community at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. https://t.co/9ZqDENhO1q pic.twitter.com/dmedTivvHb
— NATCA (@NATCA) August 26, 2021
National Association of Letter Carriers:
Congratulations to William Liddell of Hamburg, NY Branch 1822, who recently received his 75-year plaque! Thank you, William, for your membership and service! #UnionStrong #PostalProud pic.twitter.com/ORHYm09YU8
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) August 26, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
It’s time to #FundExcludedWorkers: eligible New Yorkers can now apply for the Excluded Workers Fund!
The $2.1 billion program will distribute up to $15,600 payments. Apply now!
For more resources, visit: https://t.co/Qj7yOaSk63
To apply, visit: https://t.co/Rh4CPEpV1c pic.twitter.com/hbO6X099CY— NDLON (@NDLON) August 26, 2021
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
We’re closer than ever to an economy that works for everyone.
Show Congress that you support #CareAtHome and jobs for care workers by signing our petition: https://t.co/7euOpX9fud pic.twitter.com/d8c6m4c0Gc
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) August 27, 2021
National Nurses United:
Time to set the record straight:
We are not experiencing a #NursingShortage.
We are experiencing a shortage of nurses willing to risk their licenses or the safety of their patients by working under the unsafe conditions the hospital industry has created.https://t.co/kBClHogTXH
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) August 26, 2021
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
Our big brother Richard is the moral compass of our #DebtForgiveness campaign. Please watch and forward this powerful video.
https://t.co/5KRkQmP2Vd— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) August 20, 2021
NFL Players Association:
“Big guys deserve love, too!”@Patriots defender @wisehog94 hosted his third annual Big Man Camp this summer in Texas to teach skill development, sports psychology and recruitment tips for offensive & defensive linemen. #CommunityFriday
📸: KO Photo pic.twitter.com/g6lPJSO7Wx— NFLPA (@NFLPA) August 27, 2021
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
“Without you and your members’ efforts at the state and local level, the landmark legislative changes that have already gone into effect & those on the horizon would never have occurred.” – @SeanMcGarvey_ today at the @UAPipeTrades Convention 👏#UAGC40 // #AlwaysEssential pic.twitter.com/xokgBgA3kY
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) August 25, 2021
Office and Professional Employees:
Interested in forming a union at your workplace? Let’s talk 📩⬇️https://t.co/kjVzlgIjUz https://t.co/bS52Aavy40
— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) August 26, 2021
Painters and Allied Trades:
The vital and historic work of our union is all around us. If you look around, you can often see IUPAT.
Throughout our 134-year history, we’ve positively transformed the lives of millions of working families and our communities.
Come build the future with us. pic.twitter.com/8Q7LSiI4BT
— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) August 25, 2021
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
“Every working person deserves a voice on the job, at the bargaining table & on the picket line… It’s time for the Senate to fix what is broken…reform the filibuster & pass the PRO Act.” Amen, @graham_oregon & @SenJeffMerkley https://t.co/Q86uH2zwc6
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) August 21, 2021
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
Thank you @SecMartyWalsh & @RepTeresaLF for great labor event yesterday at @IBEW Local 661 in Albuquerque. PASS member Ron Schubert represented fellow federal employees at FAA to hear first hand concerns about issues that affect all working people! #publicservice #aviationsafety pic.twitter.com/tzfswUyBln
— PASS (@PASSNational) August 26, 2021
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
New Yorkers are getting ready to head #BacktoSchool! If you’re hitting the stores for some new fall clothing, why not shop #union? @RWDSU members at @macys, @hm, and @ZARA can help your kids find the perfect first day of school outfit! #HMKids #ZaraKids @Local_1102 pic.twitter.com/NiNahSYRoX
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) August 27, 2021
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Thunder and lightning storms create risks for roofers. Protect yourself during a storm: https://t.co/BewY7uL3Oa #roofersafety365 pic.twitter.com/XkBcraWQjU
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) August 25, 2021
Singers deserve to be paid for their work! Did you know that when a song is played on FM/AM, singers are never compensated? Broadcasters profit off of the work of artists without having to pay a dime. Change that by signing the #musicfairness petition: https://t.co/nQE1T7SfXy
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) August 26, 2021
Golden State to the Rescue – Seafarers International Union #1u #Maritime #Rescue https://t.co/DO1WwiQZUW
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) August 19, 2021
Solidarity Center:
What do @SophiaBush, #MartinSheen, @YalitzaAparicio and #BlackPantherMovie actor Bambadjan Bamba have in common? They know that wrorker are #Essential4Recovery! Join them and us–RSVP today! https://t.co/csqaCQWBu3
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) August 26, 2021
The NewsGuild-CWA:
“As well as anyone, Jon Schleuss makes a compelling case for saving journalism jobs.” https://t.co/uYTeD8ZD4U
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) August 23, 2021
Theatrical Stage Employees:
#HurricaneIda https://t.co/bMyocN8XWe
— IATSE // #PROAct (@IATSE) August 27, 2021
Transport Workers Union:
Flight Attendants are being assaulted at alarming rate. Just like with other work groups, immediate steps must be taken to protect @transportworker cabin crews and FAs. Federal action is necessary & we will continue to press this issue with @SecretaryPete & the FAA @TwuSamuelsen https://t.co/YxVmXOrfc6
— TWU (@transportworker) August 26, 2021
Transportation Trades Department:
Many of our sisters and brothers in the transportation sector are also U.S. veterans.
If you’re a U.S. veteran struggling with news of current events unfolding in Afghanistan, support is available. https://t.co/09BXLctvcW
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) August 27, 2021
“…the idea of collectively bargaining is of interest for reasons like clear paths for promotion, pay equity, job security, retaining the things we like about our workplace, creating minimum standards in general.” https://t.co/tmbQlFCtCv
— UAW (@UAW) August 25, 2021
Union Label and Service Trades Department:
‘We’re peons to them’: Nabisco factory workers on why they’re striking | US unions | The Guardian https://t.co/6ILemKHpGq
— Union Label Dept. (@ULSTD_AFLCIO) August 23, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
Events unfolding amidst the evacuation efforts in Afghanistan may be difficult for vets to process. If you’re a veteran struggling with today’s the news, please remember: You are not alone! You can connect with vets just like you who are trained to help: https://t.co/u334O0c2Br
— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) August 26, 2021
Don’t you deserve to have your hotel room cleaned every day?
That’s what hotel guests have come to expect and love.
But as tourism comes roaring back, @HiltonHotels wants to end this standard and eliminate housekeepers’ jobs.
Tell Hilton: no way! ⬇️https://t.co/pAbRLuW5lL https://t.co/Czy2GevMso
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) August 20, 2021
United Food and Commercial Workers:
#UFCWVictory ✊🏿✊🏻✊🏽✊🏾
ICYMI: Workers at March & Ash cannabis dispensary in Mission Valley, CA joined @UFCW135 for higher wages & benefits!
This comes after three other locations joined UFCW in May & recently ratified a first union contract!#1u #UnionStrong
— UFCW (@UFCW) August 25, 2021
United Steelworkers:
Modern Infrastructure, #USWMade Virtual Rally (Wilmington, NC) https://t.co/vmDIXdLLvG
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) August 19, 2021
Utility Workers:
“Working too long is bad for our health, associated with not just weight gain and more alcohol and tobacco use but also higher rates of injury, illness and death.” https://t.co/3X4AH78pCS
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) August 16, 2021
Working America:
When we ask our members what they want to change about their jobs, “more dignity at work” is always a priority. Passing the #PROAct will help us reclaim the dignity too many bosses have stolen from their workers.
Let’s get this done! https://t.co/uSXCPGDXpk https://t.co/VgwGxbX1UB
— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) August 26, 2021
Writers Guild of America, East:
“Victory! This victory is the first of its kind in cable news and we are so proud of what we’ve all accomplished together.”
– @MSNBCunion #1uhttps://t.co/9XKLz86xz1— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) August 25, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Fri, 08/27/2021 – 14:26