Just Getting Started: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
Actors’ Equity:
Call your business rep today if you have COVID-19 safety concerns about your workplace. If you’re unsure, find a list of business reps in the member portal – https://t.co/xZ1VzSIshC pic.twitter.com/hp5KbMP3gf
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) December 29, 2021
AFGE correctional workers at Florence Correctional Complex say the nation’s only supermax federal prison is severely understaffed. #1u https://t.co/GLi391qm51
— AFGE (@AFGENational) January 4, 2022
A new report from the @EconomicPolicy Institute shows the benefits of a strong union go beyond the workplace. In fact, as the report shows, high unionization rates correlate with other measures of economic, personal and democratic well-being. #1u https://t.co/jlaGuVH62W
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) January 4, 2022
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Lawmakers haven’t enhanced Social Security in 50 years.
But seniors need expanded benefits and better COLAs. #PassSecure2100 https://t.co/4Cma7Da7On
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) January 5, 2022
Amalgamated Transit Union:
ATU-endorsed Pennsylvania candidate for Governor @JoshShapiroPA has picked PA State Rep. Austin Davis, proud son of an ATU Local 85-Pittsburgh, PA bus driver, for Lieutenant Governor. https://t.co/L9CfOGWUDE #PublicTransit #Transit #1u
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) January 5, 2022
American Federation of Musicians:
The time is now to finally change the rules that are rigged in favor of big media and ensure that musicians get paid when their work is played on the radio. Among the supporters of the #AMFA is Ken Casey, frontman of the Dropkick Murphys. https://t.co/6AOP6r6x4n #musicfairness pic.twitter.com/l9XX4RZjz1
— AFM (@The_AFM) January 4, 2022
American Federation of Teachers:
“The priority is to keep [schools] open and to keep people safe.”
Watch & share: @rweingarten talks to the @BBCWorld about omicron, getting back into the classroom, and what we can do to keep our communities safe. pic.twitter.com/40OKmytfFN
— AFT (@AFTunion) January 5, 2022
American Postal Workers Union:
— APWU National (@APWUnational) December 15, 2021
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
“In 2020, I took my last family photo with my parents before they moved back to Korea. I’ve never been good at goodbyes but the hardest part is not knowing when I will see my family again. This is why we need a #PathwaytoCitizenship.” – Rachel, APALA#WeAreHome pic.twitter.com/KhWWXVFTgz
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) January 5, 2022
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
Our statement on #5G https://t.co/rQtQHdkIFp
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) January 4, 2022
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
Every little bit of solidarity helps! Thank you, @SEIU721, @LALabor and all who continue to stand with BCTGM Local 37! https://t.co/TPxg3O7ECl
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) January 4, 2022
These #Boilermakers don’t get stage freight 😱 Read about L-83 (Kansas City, Missouri) apprentices who participated in an on stage production: https://t.co/UMXvfy22Tc#BoilermakersUnion #apprentice #BNAP #UnionProud pic.twitter.com/yINkyxvPJs
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) January 3, 2022
Happy New Year! pic.twitter.com/Y11ruCiHlk
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) January 1, 2022
California School Employees Association:
We’re proud to cosponsor @Portantino’s #SB830 to make CA’s school funding more equitable for all students. “The truth is, attendance-based funding punishes students in schools that most need the state’s financial support,” CSEA President Shane Dishman told the @latimes. https://t.co/k5M9GTgA0b
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) January 3, 2022
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
Holiday Message from CLUW President Elise Bryant. (@LaborHeritage1) https://t.co/J4r8UokPII
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) December 26, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
Need help paying for internet?
The @FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet for eligible households & up to $75 per month for homes on qualifying Tribal lands. Details: https://t.co/8R7zQUVFmw.
— CWA (@CWAUnion) January 4, 2022
Department for Professional Employees:
“For many American workers, the goal of true equality and opportunity at the work site is stubbornly out of reach due to anti-union laws.” #1u #PassThePROAct https://t.co/q5IMjGbcjo
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) January 5, 2022
Electrical Workers:
Delta Star manufacturing and #IBEW Local 2173 are shattering antiunion stereotypes every day. Check out this union success story right in the heart of the right-to-work South. https://t.co/4lHA4lwNUa
— IBEW (@IBEW) January 5, 2022
Fire Fighters:
https://t.co/ahEDcVlFHk @IAFFPresident @IAFFNewsDesk
— IAFF Memorial (@IAFFMemorial) January 4, 2022
Heat and Frost Insulators:
Calling all women who want equal pay, education without debt and room to grow in your position. If you said yes to these, then working for the Insulators Union is your calling! See what the job entails here: https://t.co/inecKQHji5
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) January 4, 2022
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
New EPI study that SHOCKINGLY states that big tech is stealing from its workers. Shocking. https://t.co/bWmIFPbSJV
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) December 20, 2021
International Labor Communications Association:
Beautiful commemorative journal https://t.co/MZiQazUkFM
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) December 9, 2021
“An analysis (OSHA) inspections at construction jobsites has revealed that unionized construction workers face 34% fewer health and safety violations than their nonunion counterparts, and as much as 64% less across nine Midwestern states.”https://t.co/AvdEFURsBI
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) January 5, 2022
Jobs With Justice:
A story from 2021 to keep watching in 2022? @BAmazonUnion. Things are just getting started, y’all! https://t.co/g6pmTe78Um
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) January 5, 2022
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
¡Atención compañer@s! Today marks the kick-off of our #50for50 Membership Drive! As we move into our 50th anniversary, we are challenging you to recruit 50 new members to LCLAA!
Learn more about the drive: https://t.co/IabtPyPXYo
Take the pledge: https://t.co/XVMcS16irD pic.twitter.com/S7v7EPpCTG— LCLAA (@LCLAA) December 22, 2021
Today’s #MemberMonday comes to you from a site visit by #Local1059 Business Rep Nathan Moniz and features members from Render Construction working on a new development in #ldnont #skilledtrades #constructionlife #liuna #constructionworker #construction #union #BuildingLondonOnt pic.twitter.com/ssFwhgc0I6
— LIUNA Local 1059 (@LiUNA1059) January 3, 2022
The staff at SHoP Architects @arch_workers_u are just a step away from their goal of joining the IAM. Please continue to support our sisters and brothers and help them across the finish line. https://t.co/aC7QDoZSq4
— Machinists Union | Pass the #PROAct (@MachinistsUnion) January 5, 2022
Metal Trades Department:
Founded in 1877, the Farmers Alliance was designed to advocate for farmers economic welfare and representation. Together, the group would help for economic opportunities within the community and to make the selling of goods a collaborative process.#LaborHistory pic.twitter.com/Vr0VkuKFVt
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) January 3, 2022
Musical Artists:
AGMA’s last newsletter of 2021 was sent to members in good standing on December 23. As always, members can review ALL of AGMA’s past newsletters by visiting the newsletter archive behind the portal. pic.twitter.com/btlf1SewNU
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) January 3, 2022
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
As part of the 18th Biennial Convention, NATCA is highlighting its locals around the country which have achieved 100% membership among all of its bargaining unit employees. A total of 171 facilities made the list. View the full list: https://t.co/73cKBXLnat pic.twitter.com/mQWTUnzv3S
— NATCA (@NATCA) January 5, 2022
National Association of Letter Carriers:
Congratulations to the 2021 NALC Hero of the Year Award Winners! Learn more about these letter carriers’ incredible acts of heroism in The Postal Record. Thank you to these heroes who help keep their communities safe! #HeroesDelivering https://t.co/s43SvUYIMC pic.twitter.com/LPSGFNmx0r
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) December 20, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
Happy 2022 from all of us at NDLON!
Thank you for being with us throughout the years and supporting our campaigns, projects, and worker centers. #DALE #WorkerMigrantJustice #EndWageTheft pic.twitter.com/IzQcWEmXNq
— NDLON (@NDLON) January 1, 2022
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
The domestic worker movement is grateful for @aijenpoo and her leadership every day and can’t wait to get some care worker wins in 2022 🧡https://t.co/ZvefVVsfZu
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) January 5, 2022
National Nurses United:
Today, we join @AFLCIO, @AFTunion, @AFSCME, @nynurses, and @PennaNurses to petition a federal court to order @OSHA_DOL to issue a permanent standard that requires employers to #ProtectNurses and other health care workers against Covid-19. https://t.co/0KLSDifFCu
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) January 5, 2022
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
#HappyNewYear, Brothers and Sisters. Thank you for the love, solidarity and inspiration which made our 2021 triumphant. Here’s to a 2022 full of victory, progress, and peace with justice. The struggle continues. See you on the picket lines!
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) January 1, 2022
NWSL Players Association:
Thank you to all have donated or are considering donating to our emergency trust!
The NET will provide financial assistance to players who face financial hardship and will remove cost as a barrier to accessing mental health services.https://t.co/wSlGLZwCKo
— NWSLPA (@nwsl_players) December 29, 2021
NFL Players Association:
#GeauxTigers 💛💜 @djchark82 will be rocking his custom socks from @forbarefeet tonight as LSU takes on the Wildcats in the @TexasBowl. What’s even better? You can bid on a pair and support student athletes @lsusports while doing it.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) January 4, 2022
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
“The belief that college is the only way to become successful is, in fact, not true.”
Watch this video that dissects the latest research on the growth and success of #BuildingTrades Registered Apprenticeships 💪 https://t.co/Y6YClvfIPa
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) January 4, 2022
Office and Professional Employees:
Basic working conditions, internal transparency and equity are on the minds of many #techworkers as they choose to organize, said Toy Vano, a former product manager at Kickstarter & Spotify who now helps to organize tech unions with @techunion1010. https://t.co/6JGbc3XOdU
— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) January 3, 2022
Painters and Allied Trades:
Are you one of the millions of frustrated Americans that quit your job before the holidays and are searching for a better future?
Consider our union’s apprenticeship program, which provides remarkable opportunities for all that can positively transform lives! pic.twitter.com/w3xMRp8WJ8
— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) January 5, 2022
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
Here’s to a 2022 in which #OPCMIA members have an abundance of work, good health, and the joys of family. While we have challenges to overcome, we also have much to look forward to. Happy New Year! https://t.co/A07Bvj8HlN
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) January 1, 2022
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
.@MorePerfectUS made the worker training video your boss doesn’t want you to see! Learn about your rights on the job and common issues like wage theft. Then, give us a call if you’re ready to organize your workplace. #1uhttps://t.co/Cmh7L7KofO
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) January 5, 2022
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Looking for the latest data on falls in construction? Check out CPWR’s interactive data dashboards, available here: https://t.co/2g28y3V7jd #roofersafety365
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) January 5, 2022
Options and exclusivity provisions are standard in TV contracts and can’t be negotiated away. The #FAIRact will prohibit the use of unfair and outdated contract provisions that hold actors off the market and unable to work for unreasonably long periods of time. pic.twitter.com/90pHzU6Ptd
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) January 4, 2022
Solidarity Center:
In Jaffna # SriLanka, 45 union members who completed a 3-month training in ‘Labor Law & Trade Unionism’ received certificates during a recent ceremony. Prof Sarveshwaram from the law faculty of the Univ of Colombo, conducted the course, organized by Solidarity Center. @WedabimaL pic.twitter.com/nJNGvHG8sA
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) January 5, 2022
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Another Block outrage: Journalists risk their own health and safety to cover the news while the Blocks wreck their health coverage. https://t.co/fqv4uWXxa5
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) January 5, 2022
Theatrical Stage Employees:
Take a closer look at the TTF Safety First! Compressed Gases online course. This course provides an awareness of the hazards of compressed air and of basic principles for effective control of exposures. Find it in your Safety First! account: https://t.co/4xVSesxmE9 #SafetyFirst pic.twitter.com/CTBYQHc4rW
— IATSE Training Trust Fund (@IATSETTF) January 5, 2022
Transport Workers Union:
The Winter 2021 issue of the TWU Express was slightly delayed due to a paper shortage, and is being mailed out this week. If you can’t wait to get your hands on one, you can read it online right now at the link below! #TWUExpress https://t.co/m6wCowkCrh pic.twitter.com/QeZlvhZ2SS
— TWU (@transportworker) January 5, 2022
Transportation Trades Department:
During the supply chain crisis, the #JonesAct has helped to protect #Hawaii from higher prices and keep shelves stocked. “The necessities are still at our fingertips,” says the Honolulu ports’ representative for @MMP_Union. Learn more from the @civilbeat: https://t.co/1H9BoG12CB
— Transportation Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) January 5, 2022
“History has demonstrated that strong standards based on input from stakeholders that include American workers at the table can be an opportunity for both job retention, job creation and environmental protections.” https://t.co/UqPxhTyPQp
— UAW (@UAW) December 20, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
All politics start local and the UVC has natural leaders stepping up to run all over the country.
Just like @AlleghenyLabor UVC Chair and Army Vet Craig Romanovich. Craig ran for local office and was sworn in last night as Green Tree Borough Council Person, congrats! #1u pic.twitter.com/lEIkETxtYX
— Union Veterans Council🪖✊ Pass the #PROAct (@unionveterans) January 4, 2022
We’ve been organizing hospitality workers for a while and guess what. Good, union jobs help counter high turnover rates!! Wow. https://t.co/d8yS3XFSAu
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) January 5, 2022
United Food and Commercial Workers:
We are grateful for all our members and #EssentialWorkers who helped us get through 2021 and will be there for us in 2022!
UFCW wishes everyone a safe and prosperous new year! pic.twitter.com/kGc2z4KB2p
— UFCW (@UFCW) December 31, 2021
United Steelworkers:
Four more Starbucks stores have filed for unionization over the past two weeks https://t.co/rr05iW7PUn
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) January 5, 2022
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Announcing the next event in our Global Labor Justice Teach-In Series -“Bolivia: Evo Morales, Labor, and Indigenous Plurinationality” on Thurs, Jan 13th at 8pm ET. Stay tuned for news on our amazing lineup of panelists. All are welcome, register now! https://t.co/VepvSqbFeA pic.twitter.com/TjrpiOSJbS
— USAS (@USAS) December 23, 2021
Utility Workers:
“There were periods, such as after the World Wars or coming out of the Great Depression, when working people made great contributions to society and then insisted that they be rewarded.
For the essential workers…this is another such time.”https://t.co/4ePanPvCjK
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) December 28, 2021
Working America:
Every workplace should be a safe workplace!https://t.co/R9zQkUiCOw
— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) January 5, 2022
Writers Guild of America, East:
Discussing your wages with colleagues is one small but simple way to identify (and start to address) wage gaps and biases at work – and you have the right to do it! #SalaryTransparency #1u https://t.co/XuG6Elk3g7
— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) January 5, 2022
Kenneth Quinnell
Wed, 01/05/2022 – 16:30