Pass the PRO Act: In the States Roundup

It’s time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alabama AFL-CIO:
Thanks! #1U
— Alabama AFL-CIO (@AlabamaAFLCIO) February 2, 2021
Alaska State AFL-CIO:
Alaska is one of 22 states that saw increases in the percentage of workers covered by a union! This proves that Alaska truly is #UnionStrong!
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) February 3, 2021
California Labor Federation:
The pandemic has exposed the structural inequities in our society as BIPOC communities bear the brunt of this disease. We need to increase hazard pay for essential workers, flatten the curve & prioritize vaccines for working-class communities of color. This is devastating.
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) February 4, 2021
Colorado AFL-CIO:
— Colorado AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOCO) February 4, 2021
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
.@TheIronworkers Local 15 Business Manager Joe Toner explains how the Killingly Energy Center will create hundreds of jobs, bring in millions in private investment, and provide cleaner & more reliable energy for CT.
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) January 28, 2021
Florida AFL-CIO:
“Around 12 million Americans lost out on those jobless benefits after the unemployment programs expired, according to a study by The Century Foundation.”
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Georgia State AFL-CIO:
The COVID-19 virus is still surging. @BrianKempGA and the @GaRepublicans are still failing our state with their incompetent response. Now is the time for MORE accountability for employers, not less. Tell your lawmaker to vote NO on #HB112! #1u #gapol
— Georgia AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOGeorgia) February 3, 2021
Illinois AFL-CIO:
— Illinois AFL-CIO (@ILAFLCIO) February 2, 2021
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
Indiana should be doing more to protect our educators.
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Iowa Federation of Labor:
Americans agree — 74% of the public says it’s “extremely important” for federal aid to prioritize states, cities, counties and schools, especially Medicaid and education. #FundtheFrontLines.
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Kansas AFL-CIO:
We must #ExpandMedicaid to remain a competitive option for families and businesses.
— Kansas AFL-CIO (@KansasAFLCIO) February 2, 2021
Kentucky State AFL-CIO:
From @ForwardKy – authored by our own Executive Board member, Berry Craig:
“COVID is real. I know. So stop playing politics with your — and my — health.”
— Kentucky AFL-CIO (@aflcioky) January 26, 2021
Maine AFL-CIO:
If we want to create a working class movement for #ClimateJustice climate policies must respect workers’ rights & create good paying jobs with benefits. #mepolitics
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) January 27, 2021
Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO:
Pass. The. PRO Act.
— Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO (@MDDCStateFed) January 26, 2021
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
The @massaflcio celebrates #BlackHistoryMonth.
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO (@massaflcio) February 1, 2021
Michigan State AFL-CIO:
Don’t miss President @RonBieberMI‘s column this morning on the importance of Congress and Biden passing the @AFLCIO‘s Workers First Agenda as soon as possible. READ >>> #1u #PassthePROAct
— Michigan AFL-CIO 😷 (@MIAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
A paraeducator is devoted to her students, even at great risk Powerful story from a member of @SEIULocal284. Workers like Melissa deserve better than this. #1u #mnleg @MNReformer
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) February 3, 2021
Missouri AFL-CIO:
A little snow can’t stop our activism in fighting for Missourians! We continue to call on Senator Hawley to resign after his incitement of the insurrection at the Capitol riots. He is not representing Missourians! #ResignHawley
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) January 27, 2021
Montana State AFL-CIO:
On Friday, Montanans spoke loud and clear against HB168. Now out-of-state interests are at it again with SB89. Here in Montana, we know the difference between standing up for working families and out of town special interests. Tell your representatives NO on #SB89! #MTLeg #MTpol
— Montana AFL-CIO (@MTaflcio) January 25, 2021
New Hampshire AFL-CIO:
Congratulations to Sen. Hassan on her new appointment to Veterans’ Affairs. We look forward to working with her on pending legislation, especially on the Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Committee. Let’s pass the PRO Act!
— NewHampshire AFL-CIO (@NHAFLCIO) February 3, 2021
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
“Having someone leading OSHA who stands for what the agency’s name means – occupational safety and health – that’s what every worker needs,” New Jersey State AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech said.
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) January 22, 2021
New York State AFL-CIO:
Shame on Siemens Energy – The men and women who built the company deserve better. USW @steelworkers have the full resources of the New York State AFL-CIO in their fight for respect, dignity, and justice.
— NYS AFL-CIO // #UnionStrong (@NYSAFLCIO) February 3, 2021
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
When more people come together in unions, working people have the power to make the American Dream possible for everyone–Black, brown, and white. #PassThePROAct #1u
— NC AFL-CIO // #VotersDecided (@NCStateAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
North Dakota AFL-CIO:
ND Lawmakers Hear Plan for No-Cost Lunch for All Students
— North Dakota AFL-CIO (@NDAFLCIO) January 28, 2021
We hope those who care about equal access to quality public education for every student across the country read this important column by Ohio @AFLCIO Secretary-Treasurer and @OFTadvocate @AFTunion President @mcropper1
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) February 3, 2021
Oregon AFL-CIO:
Pride at Work, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and Oregon Tradeswomen, along with an expert legal team from Democracy Forward and National Women’s Law Center are suing the government over Trump’s final swipe at the rights of LGBTQ workers.
— Oregon AFL-CIO (@OregonAFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) February 4, 2021
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
Black History Month Lesson Plans and Resources #1u #BlackHistoryMonth
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) February 3, 2021
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
ICYMI last week, this is how the Republican supermajority chooses to govern in Tennessee.
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) February 3, 2021
Texas AFL-CIO:
PRESS RELEASE: “We need vaccines and effective public health policies, and we need them now. What we don’t need is a Governor who wants to be the next Donald Trump.” #txlege #1u
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) February 2, 2021
Virginia AFL-CIO:
Celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth with the inspirational powerhouse @aliciagarza #BlackLivesMatter
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) February 4, 2021
Washington State Labor Council:
We are proud (and fortunate) to have Laurel and Jasmin helping the WSLC pursue our 2021 Workers’ Recovery Agenda in Olympia. #1u #waleg
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) February 2, 2021
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
Take a minute to contact the Assembly in support of protecting frontline workers with Wisconsin’s mask mandate
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) February 3, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Fri, 02/05/2021 – 16:22