Richard L. Trumka 1949-2021

We are heartbroken to inform you that our brother and leader Rich Trumka passed away last week at the age of 72. He was doing what he loved, spending time with his family, celebrating his grandson’s birthday.
Words cannot describe the pain we are feeling today. Rich was a legend, from his early days as president of the United Mine Workers of America to his unparalleled leadership as the voice of America’s labor movement. Rich loved workers. And he knew there was nothing more powerful than workers standing together for a better life.
If you ever watched Rich at a rally or on a picket line, his face would light up with excitement and hope. He never forgot who he was working for. He never forgot who he was fighting for. America’s working people were his constituents for more than 50 years.
This is an extremely difficult time for the AFL-CIO. We’ve had too many of those days lately. Rich was fond of saying: “Life is good. And then it’s not. And then it is again.”
So let’s grieve today and fight tomorrow. With everything we have. We will get through this together. For the man who gave all to the movement we love. Rest in peace, President Trumka.
Kenneth Quinnell
Mon, 08/09/2021 – 10:44