Service + Solidarity Spotlight: UWUA Urges Preparedness for Cybersecurity Threats to Utilities

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: UWUA Urges Preparedness for Cybersecurity Threats to Utilities

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

With the tragic news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, security professionals in the United States have been urging Americans to do what we can to protect ourselves from the risk of cyberattacks. Members of the Utility Workers (UWUA) have been helping to lead the way to protect our utilities’ cybersecurity but said we still have far to go.

The union shared a message with its members: “We urge all UWUA members that if you are witnessing any security practices that concern you at your workplace but are worried about being retaliated against for speaking up, reach out to your UWUA rep immediately. You have a right to be able to raise your concerns without consequences.”

Click here to watch a recent report from CBS’ “60 Minutes” on cybersecurity in America’s electrical grid.

Kenneth Quinnell
Thu, 03/10/2022 – 09:30

Updated: March 14, 2022 — 8:56 pm