Sideline the Filibuster: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
A. Philip Randolph Institute:
Black women and their allies are taking action to demand our freedom to vote and economic justice! Call your U.S. Senators TODAY at (202) 224-3121! Demand Congress to end the filibuster to pass federal voting rights reform NOW! #BlackWomenTakeAction #FreedomtoVote
— APRI National (DC) (@APRI_National) January 13, 2022
Actors’ Equity:
A very deserved honor for such an influential artist — who was also an Equity member!
Maya Angelou Becomes First Black Woman on a Quarter
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) January 11, 2022
After years of bad-faith negotiations and being subject to work under illegal labor policies, we’re finally headed back to the negotiating table with the VA in February.
Learn more about what’s at stake by watching this video. Let’s get to work! #1u
— AFGE (@AFGENational) January 14, 2022
On #MLKDay, with the pillars of our democracy under attack, we must carry forward his legacy on voting rights. In Dr. King’s honor, let’s protect and expand access to the ballot box, giving every American a voice in the affairs of the nation.
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) January 17, 2022
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Senate Democrats have the power to protect our right to vote.
But the filibuster is stopping them.
Call your Senator now by following this link:
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) January 18, 2022
Amalgamated Transit Union:
With #Omicron infecting #Calgary bus operators, Local 583-Calgary, AB, members are stepping up to work overtime, but are concerned about overcrowded buses as agency cuts service. #Labour
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) January 18, 2022
American Federation of Musicians:
A new labor battle opens on Broadway as omicron closes theater shows
— AFM (@The_AFM) January 16, 2022
American Federation of Teachers:
“COVID-19 has been the most disruptive force to public education in generations. We have tried to find every way we can to reopen schools safely for children, knowing full well that in-person instruction is important for kids.” – @rweingarten
— AFT (@AFTunion) January 15, 2022
American Postal Workers Union:
“In my opinion, the total agreement is a very good agreement. I was very proud to be a part of this negotiation team. I wholeheartedly encourage members to ratify this agreement.” – Support Services Director Stephen Brooks
— APWU National (@APWUnational) January 16, 2022
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
For the first time in a generation, we have an opportunity to create meaningful change for the 210,000 undocumented immigrants across Nevada. Democrats can act to protect #dreamers and #TPS holders. Tell your Senator to vote YES on a pathway to citizenship. #WeAreHome
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) January 18, 2022
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s final cause was in Memphis walking with @AFSCME sanitation workers. They were on strike for better working conditions after two of their own were killed on the job.
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) January 17, 2022
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
CALL TODAY and urge your U.S. Senator to #SidelineTheFilibuster and pass the #FreedomToVoteAct #1u
☎️: 866-832-1560
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) January 18, 2022
Check out the free trailer and watch a “pay what you can” documentary 📽️ featuring #Boilermaker sister Betty Reid Soskin – NO TIME TO WASTE: The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin.
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) January 18, 2022
“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1963 #MLKDay2022
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) January 17, 2022
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
On this MLK Holiday, Dr. King’s demand reverberates across an America where voting rights are under attack and The Big Lie has democracy on the ropes. #MLK #MLKDay #votingrights
— CBTU (@CBTU72) January 17, 2022
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
It’s important to pay attention to how workers are treated around the world. CLUW always supports human rights. Please read this thread.
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) January 10, 2022
Communications Workers of America:
It shouldn’t be this hard to pass laws that help people.
We must #SidelineTheFilibuster and pass the #FreedomToVoteAct.
— CWA (@CWAUnion) January 18, 2022
Department for Professional Employees:
“This historic election resulted from courageous workers in the veterinary industry who not only wanted to make change for themselves but wished to set an example for veterinary workers all across the nation.” @MachinistsUnion
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) January 14, 2022
Electrical Workers:
“Dr. King was a great leader for racial equality, but he understood that civil rights were intertwined with workers’ rights. He knew that racial justice and economic fairness went hand-in-hand.”
— IBEW (@IBEW) January 16, 2022
Farm Labor Organizing Committee:
The renewed contract guarantees our #1 priority this recruiting season: each worker’s right to return to their job–a protection exclusive to FLOC. We fight to expand protections to ALL farmworkers in the region to end wage theft, exploitation, and injustice in the entire industry
— Farm Labor Organizing Committee (@SupportFLOC) January 15, 2022
Fire Fighters:
#Firefighters have a 1.16 percent higher risk of getting esophageal cancer compared to the general public #FFCancerMonth #FightFFCancer
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) January 18, 2022
Heat and Frost Insulators:
In 1928, Local 87 of San Antonio began their charter. Congratulations as you celebrate 94 years and to all of our Brothers and Sisters for your continued success!
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) January 18, 2022
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
IFPTE Letter Requests Senators Reform Filibuster Rules, Pass John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, And Protect the Right to Vote #SidelineTheFilibuster
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) January 14, 2022
The Iron Workers’ foreman training is based on the National Training Fund’s comprehensive training manual, which is part of a three-step, structured training process designed to develop highly skilled foremen.
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) January 14, 2022
Jobs With Justice:
We must continue the work of building a democracy–at the ballot box and in our economy. When we can use our voices and votes, we know we have better outcomes at work, in our democracy, and can finally build a country that works for all of us–Black, brown, and white alike.
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) January 17, 2022
Congrats to Laborers Local 66 Brother Joe @beastsmithjr #FeelthePower
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) January 16, 2022
You made history @VSESEmployees and we couldn’t be more proud. Welcome to the family! @WXXINews has the story.
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) January 18, 2022
Metal Trades Department:
The John R Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom Act are designed to remove barriers and set backs for voters. Everyone deserves to have equal access and ability to vote. #VotingRightsAct #Vote
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) January 18, 2022
Mine Workers:
“Dr. King reminded us that, ‘The time is always right to do what is right.’ Now is the time for Congress to do what is right and ensure that American workers, families, and their communities come first.”
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) January 17, 2022
Musical Artists:
The AGMA Black Caucus is excited to host “Black Dancers Across Generations: A Panel Discussion” on Wednesday, January 26, at 7:00 p.m. ET. Read more:
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) January 12, 2022
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
We have an amazing National Office staff that our membership can be very proud of. Today, we feature NATCA’s Deputy Director of Labor Relations Akua Brempong-Smith. Thank you for all you do in helping NATCA’s members, Akua!
— NATCA (@NATCA) January 18, 2022
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA:
#MLKDay #MLKDay2022
— NABET-CWA (@NABETCWA) January 17, 2022
National Association of Letter Carriers:
This #MemberMonday, we’re giving a special shoutout to Michael Garrison, who recently retired after 38 years! Michael, a member of Riverside, NJ Branch 1908, said he will miss the job that he found both satisfying and rewarding. Welcome to the “last punch bunch,” Michael!
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) January 17, 2022
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
“@GovKathyHochul left immigrant and excluded workers out of her address. The exclusion of workers who have contributed so much is an injustice,” says @NDLON‘s Nadia Marin-Molina.
This is a fight that the governor cannot ignore. #FundExcludedWorkers
— NDLON (@NDLON) January 7, 2022
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
“[Biden could] start with spending a day with a care worker.” – @aijenpoo
With 2.4 million home care workers across the country, care workers need the Senate to invest in care infrastructure now more than ever. #CareCantWait
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) January 18, 2022
National Federation of Federal Employees:
NFFE-IAM’s fastest growing locals for October, November, and December 2021 –
— NFFE (@NFFE_Union) January 10, 2022
National Nurses United:
Why are @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom and the state’s public health leaders are putting the needs of health care corporations before the safety of patients and health care workers?
Nurses want to spread care, not Covid! #ProtectNurses #ProtectPublicHealth
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) January 16, 2022
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
We’re thankful to you & @sikh_coalition, and proud of Mr. Singh who skillfully didn’t allow an escalation.
Mr. Singh says he was targeted for being a driver + his religion. We see too many incidents escalate to violence when the target is a driver, especially a Sikh brother.
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) January 16, 2022
NWSL Players Association:
We’ve come so far. And still have so far to go. 💭
Thank you, MLK.
To learn more and to learn how you can do more, we encourage you to follow and support the @BWP_Collective
— NWSLPA (@nwsl_players) January 17, 2022
NFL Players Association:
On this #MLKDay, we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by supporting the Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Our vote is our voice. And the best way to protect our democracy along with Dr. King’s dream of equality is through equal access to the ballot.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) January 17, 2022
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
Very important data here, as always, from @CPWR. Check out their latest Data Bulletin on construction worker mental health during COVID-19.
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) January 14, 2022
Office and Professional Employees:
— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) January 17, 2022
Painters and Allied Trades:
The filibuster has been a death knell for workers’ rights, civil rights and voting rights as they’ve not been expanded, but chipped away at now for decades.
If our unions and our democracy are to survive, to the filibuster, we must say goodbye.
— IUPAT (@GoIUPAT) January 18, 2022
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
On this solemn and important day, there could be no better way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy than for the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Let’s make this the most meaningful MLK Day yet.
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) January 17, 2022
Plumbers and Pipe Fitters:
Printing, Publishing and Media Workers:
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
PASS-represented employees at the FAA work on the ground to make sure you get to your destination safely. Once you are in the air, please obey your flight crew. They can’t pull over in mid-air! #FlySmart #FlySafe #aviationsafety
— PASS (@PASSNational) January 12, 2022
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
BREAKING: after the NLRB issued a Notice of Election in Bessemer, AL, the @RWDSU issued the following statement: “We are deeply concerned that the decision fails to adequately prevent Amazon from continuing its objectionable behavior in a new election.”
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) January 11, 2022
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Kroger’s King Soopers are offering a contract that pays future workers $16/hr (basically the area’s min wage) while actively hiring scabs at $18/hr. How disrespectful. What is wrong with these companies?!
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) January 12, 2022
Happy birthday 🎉 to the SAG Life Achievement recipient with the most iconic voice, James Earl Jones! The deep bass voice behind Darth Vader and Lion King’s Mufasa is 91! He made his screen debut in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove. 🎂#BOTD
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) January 17, 2022
Solidarity Center:
New @ILO_UN forecast points to global unemployment remaining above pre-COVID-19 levels until at least 2023. The 2022 level is est at 207 million jobless workers, compared to 186 million in 2019. Creating #Decentjobs should be on the #DavosAgenda @ILOACTRAV
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) January 18, 2022
👏Excited to see Amit Bose confirmed to head the @USDOTFRA. From Class 1s to Amtrak, it’s time to get to work restoring the safety of our nation’s railroads and investing in passenger rail. 🚂🚄🚆🚉
See TCU Pres. Maratea’s statement here👉
— Transportation Communications Union/IAM (@TCUnionHQ) January 12, 2022
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Congratulations on a hard-fought victory! You organized together and won great improvements in your work lives.
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) January 18, 2022
Theatrical Stage Employees:
Let’s do this! #NewDeal4Animation
— IATSE // #IASolidarity (@IATSE) January 15, 2022
Transport Workers Union:
Harold “Sonny” Hall, former President of TWU Local 100 and the International Union – and one of TWU’s most memorable and charismatic leaders – has died at the age of 89.
— TWU (@transportworker) January 18, 2022
Transportation Trades Department:
Sonny Hall was a @TTDAFLCIO President Emeritus. We join our @transportworker Brothers and Sisters in mourning his loss. A union man to his core, may he Rest in Power. #1u
— Transportation Trades Department (@TTDAFLCIO) January 18, 2022
“We honor Geri Ochocinska today for her lifetime of service, advocacy for working families and most of all for being a pioneer leader of women who paved the way for so many influential UAW women in leadership.” – UAW President Ray Curry
— UAW (@UAW) January 17, 2022
Union Veterans Council:
Read our full statement on sidelining the filibuster and passing voting rights reform: #DeliverForVotingRights #SidelineTheFilibuster! #1u@SenSchumer @POTUS
— Union Veterans Council🪖✊ Pass the #PROAct (@unionveterans) January 13, 2022
That’s right—everyone loses when workers don’t have a say in their future at their own jobs. We’re excited about this important research collaboration and look forward to creating radical change together!
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) January 12, 2022
United Food and Commercial Workers:
As the first Black woman to be elected international vice president of a major American labor union, Addie Wyatt was a key leader in our UFCW family.
Wyatt’s contributions to the labor & civil rights movements are truly in a class of their own.
Must read by @GrimKim @thenation.
— UFCW (@UFCW) January 14, 2022
United Steelworkers:
USW commemorates Dr. King by demanding voting rights legislation
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) January 18, 2022
United Students Against Sweatshops:
UPDATE: The 25th USAS National Convention will now be held virtually on March 20-24th. We still have an exciting program of organizing workshops and campaign strategy sessions, as well as a virtual action to fight the layoffs at the CSUs! Register now at
— USAS (@USAS) January 12, 2022
Utility Workers:
#DYK Union workers are less likely to be victims of wage theft from their employers?
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) January 13, 2022
Working America:
These are the faces of some of our essential grocery store workers. Why won’t @MyKingSoopers recognize their work with a fair contract? #1u #KingSoopersStrike
— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) January 13, 2022
Writers Guild of America, East:
Read @thewendylee’s story on how @TheAVClub staff is being told to relocate to LA without COLAs.
“If they really valued these workers & wanted to keep them, they’d pay them what they need & deserve. It feels like they want to force these workers out.”
— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) January 15, 2022
Kenneth Quinnell
Tue, 01/18/2022 – 16:30