Strikes Work: In the States Roundup

It’s time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alabama AFL-CIO:
@UMWA on ‘Goat Hill’ to protestq @GovernorKayIvey use of @aleaprotects to buss in out-of-state #scabs to suppress coal miners in Brookwood #1u
— Alabama AFL-CIO (@AlabamaAFLCIO) November 18, 2021
Alaska AFL-CIO:
Last week, President Joelle Hall joined members of the Alaska @unionveterans in dropping off a letter in support of the #PROAct to Sen. @lisamurkowski. #UnionVeterans #UnionStrong #1u
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
Arizona AFL-CIO:
When working people have the power to form a union and bargain collectively for better wages and benefits, ALL workers benefit. Hear Arizona business owner Nick Klenner’s powerful story on why he supports the PRO Act. 🔊
— Arizona AFL-CIO 🍂🦃 #Strikesgiving (@ArizonaAFLCIO) November 18, 2021
California Labor Federation:
Organizing workers leads to greater worker power. It’s the only way to stand up to exploitative greedy corporations who see workers as disposable and not people. #UnionsForAll #UnionStrong #1u
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) November 18, 2021
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
New CT AFL-CIO leaders made their first public appearance by standing in solidarity with our sisters and brothers on strike at Sunrise. The members of @SEIU1199_NE are fighting for dignity, respect & a fair contract. We’ll fight one day longer and one day stronger. #1u
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) November 11, 2021
Florida AFL-CIO:
Union apprenticeships prepare working people for good-paying, in-demand jobs. IBEW 915 apprentice Nicole Wright-Kocher was recently interviewed about the opportunities apprenticeships provide.
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
Congrats to the John Deere workers! #StrikesWork
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) November 18, 2021
Iowa Federation of Labor:
The latest Iowa Daily Labor News! Thanks to @MachinistsUnion @SEIU @AFSCME #unionvets #veteransday
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) November 12, 2021
Maine AFL-CIO:
New Maine Labor News!
✊ Congress Passes Historic Investment in Infrastructure & Jobs
✊ WMLC President Calls on Collins to Support Build Back Better
✊ United Farmworkers Co-Founder Dolores Huerta Supports Bates Workers & more! #mepolitics
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) November 16, 2021
Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO:
With President Biden’s official signature on the bipartisan bill, Infrastructure Week is finally here. But we need to finish the job by also passing the Build Back Better Act. Will you add your name to call on Congress to pass it immediately?
— Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO (@MDDCStateFed) November 16, 2021
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
The Mass. AFL-CIO was proud to stand with and support our @MineWorkers sisters and brothers today. #1u #bospoli #mapoli #onedaylongeronedaystronger
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO // #Strikesgiving (@massaflcio) November 18, 2021
Michigan AFL-CIO:
Of the @BCTGM Local 3G members on strike in Battle Creek since October 5, well over two dozen of them have served their country in the armed services and returned to civilian life with a union job. It’s time to stand with them in their fight for a fair contract! #KelloggStrike
— Michigan AFL-CIO 💉💪 (@MIAFLCIO) November 12, 2021
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
How did your legislator vote on the issues important to working Minnesotans this year? Find out in the Minnesota AFL-CIO’s 2021 Legislative Report. #1u #mnleg
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) November 15, 2021
Missouri AFL-CIO:
Missouri AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Merri Berry joined the picket line at Sunset Ford today. @MachinistsUnion Lodge 777 are on strike due to management attempts to gut their pension, cut overtime pay, and force them to accept no raises for the next 3 years. #Solidarity #1u
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) November 16, 2021
Montana AFL-CIO:
— Montana AFL-CIO (@MTaflcio) November 11, 2021
Nebraska AFL-CIO:
— NE State AFL-CIO (@NEAFLCIO) November 7, 2021
Nevada State AFL-CIO:
Workers’ rights and voting rights cannot be separated.
The #FreedomToVoteAct is just one step that working Nevadans need to ensure that they can make their voices heard in our elections! ✊ ✔️ 🇺🇸
— Nevada State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@NVAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
New Hampshire AFL-CIO:
— NewHampshire AFL-CIO (@NHAFLCIO) November 11, 2021
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) November 4, 2021
New Mexico Federation of Labor:
— NMFL ✊ #Strikesgiving 🦃 ✊ (@NMFLaflcio) November 11, 2021
New York State AFL-CIO:
Discussing unions & social justice in relation to cannabis with stakeholders in the Capital Region. Creating good union jobs in this emerging industry is a top priority for the labor movement. This meeting is part of the New York State Cannabis Workforce Initiative. (1/6)
— NYS AFL-CIO // #UnionStrong (@NYSAFLCIO) November 16, 2021
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
This track is🔥🔥🔥! Check out Tom Morello (feat. grandson) – Hold the Line: Union Strong Edit via @aflcio ✊✊✊ #Strikesgiving #1u
— NC State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct! (@NCStateAFLCIO) November 15, 2021
Always bet on the @MachoMan!
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) November 17, 2021
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
Take a look at our Labor Union Video from the 33rd Biennial General Convention!
— Oklahoma State AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) November 16, 2021
Oregon AFL-CIO:
“The lesson of the #KaiserStrike is that when you take one of us on, you take all of us on.”
Read more from @graham_oregon in the latest @nwlaborpress: @AFTunion @AFLCIO #Strikesgiving
— Oregon AFL-CIO / PASS THE PRO ACT (@OregonAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
Last month we had #Striketober , this month we have #Strikesgiving! We will stand up for all of our rights. All union members are cheering for your victory! @sftlocal1147 @AFTPA
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) November 10, 2021
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
Prevailing wage laws boost worker productivity, reduce injury rates, and increase apprenticeship training, which helps combat the shortage of skilled labor in construction!
For a full list of or 2021 Resolutions visit our website:— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) November 18, 2021
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
As detailed by the @TNLookout, Eddie Bryan leaves behind an unparalleled legacy. #1u
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) November 16, 2021
Texas AFL-CIO:
Texan and member of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, Salvador Herrera, shared his thoughts on organizing in the South with the Department of Labor.
— Texas AFL-CIO 🦃🍂 #Strikesgiving (@TexasAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
Washington State Labor Council:
When Van’s employer tried to use his immigration status as an excuse to fire him, his coworkers & union @teamsters117 fought back. When we fight for immigrant workers, we can win; against a boss and against the racist, xenophobic policies & institutions that harm all workers. #1u
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) November 10, 2021
West Virginia AFL-CIO:
WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword: “It creates national standards across the spectrum on how different facets of our democratic process work ….”
— West Virginia AFLCIO (@WestVirginiaAFL) November 10, 2021
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
Governor Evers uses veto pen to stand up for democracy. Voters derserve fair maps.
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) November 18, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Fri, 11/19/2021 – 10:17