#Striketober: In the States Roundup

It’s time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alaska AFL-CIO:
Statement from President Joelle Hall thanking the Anchorage Assembly for passing an emergency ordinance to deal with COVID-19. #ANCgov pic.twitter.com/vVFscxc4Ju
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) October 14, 2021
Arizona AFL-CIO:
Join Marilyn in the fight to #PassThePROAct! “I didn’t fight all those years in the military to have people treated wrongly when they worked so hard to take care of their family. I would like the PRO Act to pass because one job should be enough and it’s not right now.” pic.twitter.com/e2tWCPVGi3
— Arizona AFL-CIO // #PassThePROAct (@ArizonaAFLCIO) October 12, 2021
California Labor Federation:
Workers will never be defeated#Striketober #UnionStrong #1u https://t.co/mwNNeajKxg
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) October 13, 2021
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
.@SEIU1199_NE members who work as frontline caregivers at group homes run by Sunrise in Connecticut are on #strike demanding livable wages, affordable health insurance and a secure retirement! Join the lines in Hartford, Danielson, Columbia & New London pic.twitter.com/tUAP5XZ8Iu
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
Florida AFL-CIO:
“And through the pandemic, the nation was reminded of the essentialness of labor—not the labor of Wall Street; rather, the labor that drives our hospitals, our groceries, our mail, our livelihoods.”https://t.co/dLymzEOkJ0
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) October 12, 2021
Georgia AFL-CIO:
If you can’t afford to pay your workers and sustain a healthy work environment, perhaps being an employer isn’t for you 👀 https://t.co/skpQOk8tNX pic.twitter.com/D85n3HYqJC
— Georgia AFL-CIO // Pass The #ProAct (@AFLCIOGeorgia) October 13, 2021
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
STRIKETOBER https://t.co/X3dNaQ7e2F
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
Iowa Federation of Labor:
The latest Iowa Daily Labor News! https://t.co/irM17nEzQ0 Thanks to @IAFFNewsDesk @MachinistsUnion @AFTunion #taxtherich #1u
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
Kentucky State AFL-CIO:
The Kentucky State AFL-CIO and the @AFGENational proudly observe today, Oct. 14th as Augusta Y. Thomas Day.
Thomas, a veteran labor & civil rights leader from Louisville, capped her union career as AFGE’s National Vice President for Women & Fair Practices. pic.twitter.com/7mq8oqyjHJ— Kentucky AFL-CIO (@aflcioky) October 14, 2021
Maine AFL-CIO:
Bates College Educators & Staff Launch Union Organizing Drive@IATSE481 Members Vote to Authorize Strike
And.. vaccines, the 1862 Saco Firemen’s strike & more!https://t.co/6Iq2rZrTdi #1U #mepolitics #Solidarity
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) October 7, 2021
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
#1u #solidarity https://t.co/1YJA8tedew
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@massaflcio) October 14, 2021
Michigan AFL-CIO:
“Fair wages are absolutely foundational to building a strong middle class, and state contracts are no exception.” @GovWhitmer https://t.co/hNxKr5hmG4
— Michigan AFL-CIO 💉💪 (@MIAFLCIO) October 8, 2021
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
Local postal workers voice concerns about new policy slowing mail delivery https://t.co/QTRvaHXAaV #1u @APWUnational pic.twitter.com/JSTHD3HnJg
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
Missouri AFL-CIO:
Union workers, labor leaders, and pro-union politicians are pushing for the passage of the bipartisan #infrastructure bill. https://t.co/uXFfM4b9Pu
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
Montana AFL-CIO:
Protect Montana’s Apprentices and Journey Workers! Proposed changes to apprenticeship ratios will lead to more workplace hazards, depressed wages throughout the trades and a lower standard of training and development for new workers. #mtpol #unionstrong https://t.co/NuJWtK0K26
— Montana AFL-CIO (@MTaflcio) October 5, 2021
Nebraska AFL-CIO:
In our 65th year of dedication to improving the lives of all working people and their families, bringing fairness and dignity to Nebraska’s workplaces. #1u #SOLIDARITY pic.twitter.com/i5pqKcy8OW
— NE State AFL-CIO (@NEAFLCIO) October 8, 2021
Nevada State AFL-CIO:
Apprenticeships are CRUCIAL to expanding and educating our workforce, and helping to provide good-paying union jobs across our state! https://t.co/fPbx9rSEiR
— Nevada State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@NVAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
New Hampshire AFL-CIO:
— NewHampshire AFL-CIO (@NHAFLCIO) October 6, 2021
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
New Mexico Federation of Labor:
What #BuildBackBetter means for #NewMexico.@NABTU @AFTNM @afscme18 @AFLCIO pic.twitter.com/3sLQwYTCHE
— NMFL Pass the PROAct // (@NMFLaflcio) October 8, 2021
New York State AFL-CIO:
The New York State AFL-CIO Celebrates First Farmworkers Union in NYS. “Today we welcome our first farmworker siblings into the labor family,” said New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento.” #UnionStrong @Local338 @RWDSU https://t.co/NJTFlAZIf0
— NYS AFL-CIO // #UnionStrong (@NYSAFLCIO) October 6, 2021
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
“We talk about the Civil Rights Act as if it’s a done deal, but if we sleep on it, we will lose it.” @aflcio Civil, Human & Women’s Rights Director Clayola Brown kicking off day two of convention! #CountMeIn pic.twitter.com/wCABZj0XzU
— NC State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct! (@NCStateAFLCIO) October 14, 2021
North Dakota AFL-CIO:
Letter: “We’d like to foster children, but day care is unavailable in our rural community.” https://t.co/WXVLmaRRCJ
— North Dakota AFL-CIO (@NDAFLCIO) October 13, 2021
In a story you will never see in corporate media: Worker #solidarity is on the rise because we should all have #DignityOfWork. As great at this is, workers across the country would have a fair shake to #Organize if we #PassThePROAct https://t.co/5RzBMTiKfy
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) October 12, 2021
Oregon AFL-CIO:
This Indigenous Peoples’ Day our intention is to take a positive step forward in recognizing the legacy of discrimination that Native Americans face and honoring their culture, history, contributions, and resilience in this country. pic.twitter.com/IOmE1uxBjA
— Oregon AFL-CIO / PASS THE PRO ACT (@OregonAFLCIO) October 11, 2021
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
On the @lancbctgm374g picket line. One day longer. One day stronger. ✊@BCTGM #NoGainsNoGrains #NoContractNoCrispix #STRIKETOBER #Solidarity pic.twitter.com/ex3EwTPt9S
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) October 14, 2021
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
The Rhode Island AFL-CIO is saddened to hear about the passing of Ray Sullivan. Ray was a champion for working people and for everyone who sought a more just world. #RestInPower@RaySullivan pic.twitter.com/0d4gCxnyrd
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) October 13, 2021
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
“In short, laborers are demanding their due. And it is infectiously spreading from workplace to workplace.” #Striketober #1u https://t.co/qYVko1cZGm
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) October 14, 2021
Texas AFL-CIO:
#HB25 is heading to the House floor today in the #TXLege.
We urge legislators to vote NO against this dangerous and discriminatory bill. #LetKidsPlay #ProtectTransKids https://t.co/lSAL5oydmY
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) October 14, 2021
Virginia AFL-CIO:
Standing in solidarity with our brothers & sisters in @IATSE #IASolidarity https://t.co/6W1GQW0NbE
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) October 4, 2021
Washington State Labor Council:
Standing in solidarity with our brothers & sisters in @IATSE #IASolidarity https://t.co/6W1GQW0NbE
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) October 4, 2021
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
Federal infrastructure program could help Wisconsin address ‘forever chemical’ contamination, aging roads and bridges https://t.co/4t9DKcUzmV
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) October 12, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Thu, 10/14/2021 – 13:35