Take Action: NFL Players Need Safer Fields

All employees are entitled to the safest working environment possible—including NFL players. NFL Players Association (NFLPA) members should not have to work on fields that cause a higher rate of injuries. If you stand in solidarity with our union brothers, please take 30 seconds to add your name and urge the NFL to replace slit-film surfaces.
Just as there are different types of grass, there are also different types of turf (monofilament, dual fiber and slit film).
The slit-film playing surface has statistically higher in-game injury rates compared to all other surfaces. The NFL and its experts have agreed with the data and acknowledged that slit-film fields are less safe.
There are currently seven teams that use slit film in their stadiums: the New York Giants, New York Jets, Detroit Lions, Minnesota Vikings, New Orleans Saints, Indianapolis Colts and Cincinnati Bengals.
The NFL has refused to ban and remove these fields and won’t commit to making any future change.
NFL players are doing their job and going to work, just like everyone else. And they deserve safe working conditions, too!
Please take 30 seconds to add your name and tell the NFL that players need safer fields.
Kenneth Quinnell
Tue, 11/22/2022 – 12:51