Take Action: Organize Our Members to Support the Postal Service Reform Act

The AFL-CIO and America’s leading postal unions are launching a joint mobilization campaign to ensure the U.S. Senate passes the Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076). This crucial legislation will support the front-line workers at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) who process, handle and deliver our mail.
The legislation will eliminate the unfair requirement that USPS pre-fund future retiree health care costs, and it also will ensure six-day delivery. Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed the Postal Service Reform Act with overwhelming bipartisan support, and now, we have to keep the momentum going.
We’ve created three easy ways for our members to take action:
Share these actions with our members, and together we can protect this vital public institution. The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), the American Postal Workers Union (APWU), the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU), the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) and the AFL-CIO are proud to co-sponsor this campaign.
Kenneth Quinnell
Fri, 02/11/2022 – 11:30