Victory in Georgia: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
Actors’ Equity:
Equity members now have an additional way to access the online harassment hotline. Lighthouse now offers an anonymous reporting app available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
Read more in the member portal –
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) January 6, 2021
In her lame duck glory EEOC Chair Dhillon wants to bust unions on her way out. We are not going to let that happen! Write EEOC members and tell them to VOTE NO to a rule that disallows unions to represent employees in discrimination cases. #1u
— AFGE (@AFGENational) January 5, 2021
AFSCME members congratulate Sen.-elect Jon @Ossoff on your victory in the runoff election. We look forward to working with you to tackle this pandemic, getting our country back on track and delivering desperately needed aid to states, cities, towns and schools. #GASen
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) January 6, 2021
Air Line Pilots Association:
ALPA Welcomes the Members of the #117thCongress. We look forward to working with all of our elected representatives to keep our skies safe and secure.
— ALPA (@WeAreALPA) January 3, 2021
Alliance for Retired Americans:
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. That’s impossible to live on.The time is NOW! Congress must ACT to raise the minimum wage to at least $15/hr in the first 100 days! #RaiseTheWage
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) January 5, 2021
Amalgamated Transit Union:
Public transportation and transit workers are critical to keeping our communities and economies moving. #Transit #PublicTransit
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) January 6, 2021
American Federation of Musicians:
Miserly antics included using budget non-union musicians for the Met’s pay-per-view New Year’s Eve gala — without any mention of the skimping
— AFM (@The_AFM) January 4, 2021
American Federation of Teachers:
Congratulations to Georgia’s first Black Senator, @ReverendWarnock! The legacy he embodies and his vision for the future of Georgia are exactly what brought him this historic victory. We cannot wait to work with him to improve the lives of working families. #AFTvotes
— AFT (@AFTunion) January 6, 2021
American Postal Workers Union:
APWU members proudly delivered for America in 2020 and will do the same every year to come! #SaveThePostOffice
— APWU National (@APWUnational) December 31, 2020
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
Since the beginning, the #FightFor15 has been led by immigrant + workers of color. Now, a new report from @yannetyannet @NELPnews shows a record-breaking 74 cities, counties, & states are set to raise their min wage in 2021. #Raises2021
Read the report:
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) January 6, 2021
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
“some fliers treat airline mask requirements as a seemingly asinine rule to evade…Passengers berate flight attendants about their noncompliant cabin mates.”
“It all has to stop,” pleaded one flight attendant.
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) January 5, 2021
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
NOW PLAYING: The BCTGM’s Official Podcast!
Listen to the first two episodes of the BCTGM Voices Project on Podbean!👉 #u #BCTGMVoices— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) January 4, 2021
It’s National #TechnologyDay and #CCUS 🌎 plays a critical role in the future of our planet. #Boilermakers track and curate info on the latest global CCUS developments. Learn more: @GlobalCCS @ccsknowledge
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) January 6, 2021
Can you spot the safety hazards? 🔍
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) January 5, 2021
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
Congrats, Sister. Now, make some good trouble for the people. @cbtu_stl
— CBTU (@CBTU72) January 3, 2021
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
Want to brush up or learn how to use Zoom before our NEB on January 23?
Register for our Zoom class this Saturday on Jan. 9 @ 12 to 2 PM ET/ 9 to 11 AM PT here:
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) January 4, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
Roughly $340 million each year…
— CWA (@CWAUnion) January 5, 2021
Department for Professional Employees:
We are so excited for these professionals! Congrats @MOVE_TX_United! #1u
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) January 5, 2021
Electrical Workers:
While #IBEW members are not the scientists creating new COVID-19 vaccines, they have been nearly as integral to the discovery, production and distribution process as any biochemist or virologist on the planet.
— IBEW (@IBEW) January 5, 2021
Farm Labor Organizing Committee:
We are reiterating support for a moratorium on the approval of visas for farm labor contractors in the H2A “guestworker program” as a report by the EPI outlines that over 70% of these contractors have violated federal labor law. Check out our campaign:
— Farm Labor Organizing Committee (@SupportFLOC) January 6, 2021
Fire Fighters:
Massachusetts #firefighters will start getting Coronavirus vaccines next week
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) January 6, 2021
Heat and Frost Insulators:
Climate Jobs Illinois is making an effort to bring 300,000 union jobs, including mechanical insulation jobs, to the state of Illinois. Listen to Mechanical Insulators LMCT Director Pete Ielmini discuss the plan and its benefits on @AWFUnionPodcast:
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) January 6, 2021
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
Google and their high priced “consultants” gathering shocking amounts of data about their own workers to bust their union? SHOCKING!
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) January 5, 2021
Iron Workers Local 29 turned its Northeast Portland union headquarters parking lot into a winter wonderland Dec. 19. #Christmas2020
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) January 1, 2021
Jobs With Justice:
Black workers in GA won the Senate last night. Recognize it — and don’t ever forget it ✊🏿
Bc it’s not enough to just celebrate Black folks when they do the electoral work for us. We must celebrate them everyday. And it’s well past time we start WORKING FOR THEM 🗣️#GARunnoff 1/
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) January 6, 2021
#LIUNA in the news:
Starfish Pack program in Abbotsford and Aldergrove each get $5K boost— LIUNA (@LIUNA) January 5, 2021
The Machinists are in Georgia – Today is the day!
— Machinists Union ✈️🚊🚀 (@MachinistsUnion) January 6, 2021
Metal Trades Department:
Google workers have formed the company’s first-ever union
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) January 5, 2021
Mine Workers:
Part II: Organizing for the Future
UMWA International President @CecilRoberts looks to the future and talks about the UMWA’s need to keep the jobs we have, expand in the jurisdictions we are now and the importance of organizing new workers.
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) January 4, 2021
Musical Artists:
The results of AGMA’s Constitutional Referendum are in and AGMA is very pleased to announce that the Board of Governors Revision of the Constitution has been overwhelmingly approved the AGMA membership. Read our full statement here:
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) December 18, 2020
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
NATCA member Dave Chesley helped Martha’s Vineyard (MVY) pilot Lihan Bao after she hit a tree on her approach, seriously damaging the aircraft. “He could hear that my voice was shaking and tried to calm me down,” Lihan said.— NATCA (@NATCA) January 6, 2021
National Association of Letter Carriers:
When carrier Richard Valles learned that one of his business customers was having difficulty getting her packages to customers, he connected the customer to the USPS sales team. Impressed with USPS’s shipping prices, the customer switched, resulting in $50,000 in new revenue. #1u
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) January 6, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
Protect yourself and others by contributing to the Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund, getting a a beautiful bandana designed by @ernestoyerena & @OBEYGIANT, and wearing this message: Solo el Pueblo Salva al Pueblo. #not1more
— NDLON (@NDLON) December 30, 2020
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
This year, we cared for communities through a crisis.
We organized to protect our lives and our health.
We got out the vote.
We built our movement and stayed connected.
Let’s keep up the momentum.
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) December 21, 2020
National Nurses United:
Congrats to the union strong #RNs at @AdventistHealth Rideout Memorial Hospital & @SutterHealth Center of Psychiatry on their victories last week! 💪
We look forward to keeping patients and our communities safe amid the #Covid19 pandemic and beyond.
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) January 6, 2021
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
Happy New Year! In a year full of sorrow and isolation, your twitter love for our protests & actions gave us so much encouragement and joy. Your own protests helped build power for ours. Solidarity forever. To a 2021 with love, light and always justice. La lucha continua.
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) January 1, 2021
NFL Players Association:
A season unlike any other. Special thank you to our player leadership and the training + testing staffs who’ve all been dedicated to player safety. 👏
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) January 5, 2021
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
Looking to kick off the new year with a new career path? Learn more about what it takes to start your journey in the #BuildingTrades today!
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) January 6, 2021
Painters and Allied Trades:
The PRO Act 218 cosponsors in the House, 41 cosponsors in the Senate, and the support of both President-elect Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris.
It’s time for each and every one of them to fight for and demand the labor law reform we need, beginning with the PRO Act.
— IUPAT (@GoIUPAT) January 6, 2021
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
“Doing something about infrastructure should be a no-brainer. This is one of relatively few policy areas for which there is strong public support from all Americans, regardless of political identity.” No excuses — let’s get it done! #InfrastructureNow
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) January 6, 2021
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
Rest in Peace, Alfred Farrar, and thank you for your service to a flawed nation as a Tuskegee Airman during WWII and as an FAA employee for four decades. @FAANews @unionveterans #publicservice #federalemployees #aviation— PASS (@PASSNational) December 27, 2020
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
“A key component of the work that we do in advocating for working men & women is related to fighting for economic & social justice. Legalizing cannabis is a natural bridge for this work, & we appreciate that it’s one of @NYGovCuomo‘s priorities.” #cannabisworkersunion #legalizeny
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) January 6, 2021
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Falls from scaffolds are preventable. Learn about employer requirements and find additional resources here: #roofersafety365
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) January 6, 2021
On this #TechnologyDay, watch Lee Branstetter @louishyman @lizshuler @DTaylorUH @DavidWhiteNED & @CheriPreston discuss the impact of tech developments on income inequality from our 2020 Labor Innovation & Technology Summit
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) January 6, 2021
Solidarity Center:
Teachers in #Jordan are struggling to exercise their civil liberties following the govt’s move to dissolve the Jordanian Teacher Association after they protested for better wages. Take action to support the teachers! @eduint @AFTIntlAffairs @LaborStartUSA
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) January 6, 2021
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Happy birthday! Keep up the fight for good journalism and good journalism jobs.
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) January 6, 2021
Theatrical Stage Employees:
Well, it looks like we picked a good week to launch our new weekly newsletter.
Sign up below, to stay in the know! 👀
— IATSE (@IATSE) January 6, 2021
Transport Workers Union:
The TWU stands with the essential workers @UFCW who are losing their jobs to gig company greed. As predicted, Prop 22 is already killing good, middle class jobs.
— TWU (@transportworker) January 5, 2021
“UAW members negotiated and ratified a path to seniority status in the 2019 National Negotiations and because of their contract, 650 members will gain seniority status and benefits this month.”
— UAW (@UAW) January 4, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
This is what leadership looks like!
— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) January 6, 2021
The Democrats’ “secret weapon” to help win the Senate:
UNITE HERE’s 1,000 union canvassers
A Thread 🧵⤵️
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) January 6, 2021
United Food and Commercial Workers:
NEW REPORT: 137 #COVID grocery outbreaks in past two months already infected nearly 1,000 grocery workers.
America’s grocery workers on frontlines need action now to protect them and stop these deadly outbreaks.
Watch & Share: @UFCW President @Marc_Perrone on @NBCNightlyNews
— UFCW (@UFCW) January 2, 2021
United Steelworkers:
“After losing my father, so many of my coworkers & patients, some losing their lives, having #COVID19 myself, I needed to do my part. We need to grab this virus by the threshold & get vaccinated,“ Pres. Anklam, Lu 9899, Ascension St. Mary’s of MI. #USWCares
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) January 6, 2021
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Our National Back to School Call is Sunday, Jan. 10th! Learn about what we have planned for the upcoming semester. Hope to see you there! Register at
— USAS (@USAS) December 29, 2020
Utility Workers:
Tara Quiñones is a Construction Technician, 7-year member of @UWUA_132 in California, and a UWUA Women’s Caucus member. Check out her full story here!
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) January 5, 2021
Working America:
“Of the companies that told some employees not to work, most — 51% — kept paying at least some of those workers. But only 42% of those businesses kept paying those workers’ health insurance premiums, according to the BLS data.”
— Working America (@WorkingAmerica) January 1, 2021
Writers Guild of America, East:
“We’re comedy writers. There was only a limited amount of stuff that we could do, but this was our form of protest.”
– Sacha Baron Cohen on “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm”Listen to the full OnWriting interview with Sacha, Anthony Hines & Peter Baynham:
— Writers Guild of America, East (@WGAEast) January 4, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Thu, 01/07/2021 – 11:11