We Are Angry: In the States Roundup

It’s time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alaska AFL-CIO:
Pres. @vincebeltrami‘s statement about attempted coup in our nation’s capital: “We. Are. Angry. Angry at an assault on our nation’s hallowed capital and our elected representatives . . .”
@lisamurkowski @SenDanSullivan @repdonyoung
Read full statement: https://t.co/3SlcsY7TJj pic.twitter.com/7UiQlLiRyf— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) January 8, 2021
California Labor Federation:
Late stage capitalism in action.
Here’s your daily reminder to join your union. https://t.co/BlVyEwJJJS
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) January 11, 2021
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
Research shows that unionized health facilities have better patient outcomes and are more likely to correct workplace hazards. Union nursing homes have lower #COVID19 mortality rates, better access to PPE & stronger infection control measures. #JoinAUnion https://t.co/fIEaD9paHO
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Florida AFL-CIO:
“Three weeks after President Trump moved to extend unemployment benefits, countless Floridians have still not gotten any payments — cutting off a crucial lifeline for workers who lost jobs to the pandemic.”https://t.co/NJVEomO1n7
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Georgia State AFL-CIO:
Weekends became lit dropping. Afternoons became postcard writing. Evenings became phone banking. For months, union volunteers and community orgs worked tirelessly to #FlipTheSenate. Why? Because Georgia deserves better. Workers deserve better. We deserve better. And we did this! pic.twitter.com/zN3hD06Dsl
— Georgia AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOGeorgia) January 6, 2021
Iowa Federation of Labor:
Attempted Coup an Unconscionable Assault on Democracy https://t.co/9RVwbzq5Km
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) January 7, 2021
Maine AFL-CIO:
A new book chronicles the militancy of Maine paper makers against Wall Street Greed. https://t.co/XQUIwS3RpS #mepolitics #LaborHistory
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) January 8, 2021
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
The @massaflcio commends President-Elect @JoeBiden for his nomination of @marty_walsh to the position of Secretary of the Department of Labor.
Thread 👇 pic.twitter.com/TlKETdHirW
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO // #VotersDecided (@massaflcio) January 8, 2021
Michigan AFL-CIO:
The General Board of the @AFLCIO is calling on Donald Trump to resign or be removed from office at once. Read the full statement 🧵👇 https://t.co/eBTNrJqCyn
— Michigan AFL-CIO 😷 (@MIAFLCIO) January 8, 2021
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
MNA Nurses Urge Lawmakers to Pass Emergency Leave Bill https://t.co/JdIliPAckJ #1u #mnleg @mnnurses
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Missouri AFL-CIO:
Great turnout for the #ResignHawley action today in St. Louis. Senator Hawley Needs to resign following his incitement of insurrection at the Capitol riots. pic.twitter.com/PwGlyBHhpW
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Nebraska State AFL-CIO:
The 1.6.21 attack on our country is the consequence of a lie by a president who refuses to accept that millions of us turned out to stand with and for each other and elect Joe Biden by overwhelming margins. #RemoveNow
— NE State AFL-CIO (@NEAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
2021 is a new year of challenges and opportunities as governmental bodies in Washington and across New Jersey get organized.https://t.co/iSDJ8cItx8
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) January 11, 2021
New York State AFL-CIO:
History repeats itself: Amid crisis, Cuomo hopes to fuel optimism in State of the State – NY Hero Act, tax increases to support vital services. “This will take bold leadership,” Cilento said.
https://t.co/en1rIUpjXj via @TheBuffaloNews— NYS AFL-CIO // #VotersDecided (@NYSAFLCIO) January 10, 2021
North Dakota AFL-CIO:
— North Dakota AFL-CIO (@NDAFLCIO) January 8, 2021
Today, @RichardTrumka laid out the @AFLCIO #WorkerFirstAgenda. See it here:https://t.co/oKotYQCmgB
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) January 12, 2021
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
The Greater OKC Chapter is now starting to collect shirts for their 2021 T-Shirt Quilt.
They are also accepting donated Local Union Masks to go into the 2021 Quilt.
Please send donations to:
Central Oklahoma Labor Federation
3400 South Wester Ave
OKC OK 73109— Oklahoma AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) January 12, 2021
Oregon AFL-CIO:
It’s no surprise to see school staff across the country doing whatever it takes to help students learn in these difficult times.@AFTunion @AFTOregon @OSEA6732 https://t.co/kxzzOkoIqo
— Oregon AFL-CIO (@OregonAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
It’s not enough to call these workers heroes. #StayHome. #StaySafe. #WearAMask . Wash your hands. And, send your thoughts and prayers of Solidarity to those who need it most. @mcallguild https://t.co/YDqE7DifZE
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) January 11, 2021
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
#1u #FightFor15 #minimumwage https://t.co/CGS0iWR6cU
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) January 12, 2021
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
TAKE ACTION! As legislators get to work today at noon, working families are still under attack. Sen. @BrianKelsey‘s push to enshrine TN’s harmful Right to Work law in the state constitution is still underway. Ask your lawmaker to vote “NO” on SJR 0002! https://t.co/GGsEnw2KNH
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) January 12, 2021
Texas AFL-CIO:
Texas AFL-CIO President Rick Levy and Secretary-Treasurer Montserrat Garibay posted this statement on Tuesday’s opening of the 87th session of the Texas Legislature. #1u #txlege #FairShothttps://t.co/QdcbSMCujF
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) January 12, 2021
Washington State Labor Council:
The COVID-19 pandemic has made clearer than ever the inequities and unfairness rooted deep in our economy. #waleg #EssentialWorkers https://t.co/gjojF5MZby
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) January 8, 2021
West Virginia AFL-CIO:
Parkersburg Labor Council AFL-CIO president Andrew Stump: “It’s not just about organizations, it’s about helping the children in our community.” 👍👊 https://t.co/KWqhnDwRaz
— West Virginia AFLCIO (@WestVirginiaAFL) January 5, 2021
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
What can Biden do to reverse Trump’s assault on labor rights? https://t.co/NxdEL2vMd2
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) January 12, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Wed, 01/13/2021 – 09:07