Wichita, Kansas – Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI) approached union negotiators for Local 2799 to discuss a potential 10 million dollar investment in the local workforce, which led to a proposed contract modification presented by JCI.
The company’s proposal was presented to the members of Local Lodge 2799 for a vote to accept or reject. Members are voting on two items: To accept or reject opening the contract and to accept or reject the company proposed contract modification.
The proposed modification includes:
-$1.50 increase to the minimum pay grades.
-$1.50 pay increase to all employees up to the maximum of the Labor grade.
-Increased shift differential. 2nd shift- $1.25, 3rd shift- $1.75
-Lump-sum payment of difference to all employees currently topped out at maximum, to be paid at $1.50.
-Give up the 2022 general wage increase of 3%.
-All employees to receive a 2.5% general wage increase in 2023.
-Extend the current contract by 1 year to expire September 2024 instead of 2023.
The company will pay members 90 minutes to participate in the vote.
Members vote Monday, October 25, 2021, from 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in Machinists Hall, 3830 S. Meridian, Wichita, KS 67217.