McLeod Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Jeff McLeod from Local 698 as an Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD, effective May 1, 2022.

“I am proud to assign Jeff to the Winpisinger Center,” said Martinez. “He climbed the ladder from rank-and-file member to District 60 President/Directing Business Representative and brings with him knowledge and experience that will directly benefit our membership. I know his hard work at the Local, District, and state levels has prepared him to teach our members how to become leaders.”

McLeod initiated into Local 698 in 1996 while working as an automotive mechanic for UPS, and served the local as an alternate steward, conductor sentinel, communicator, president, business representative, and member of the negotiating committee.

“Jeff’s familiarity with Local and District Lodge procedures and the organizing, negotiating, and servicing skills he developed and refined as a Business Rep will allow him to make an immediate and positive impact at the Winpisinger Center,” said Director Chris Wagoner. “We are excited to bring him on as an instructor and know his contributions to member education will be significant and lasting.”

McLeod comes to the Center from District Lodge 60. As President/Directing Business Representative since January 2022, he oversees servicing of locals across the state of Michigan. He was elected vice president of the Michigan State Council of Machinists in 2015 and its president in 2021

The post McLeod Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center appeared first on IAMAW.

Updated: March 22, 2022 — 5:08 am