Pass the Freedom to Vote Act Now! What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
Actors’ Equity:
Equity Weekly comes out each Wednesday to update the membership on everything happening across the union. Subscribe today to stay in the loop –
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) November 16, 2021
In memory of our beloved sister Fredna White — gone too soon, but never forgotten. You were a fierce advocate, a loyal friend, a wise elder, and a trailblazing leader inside the labor movement and out. Thank you for sharing your unique talent and energy with us. Rest in power.
— AFGE (@AFGENational) November 17, 2021
“We beat back a two-tier wage package which would have negatively impacted our ability to hire, recruit and retain during a severe shortage of nurses, health care workers and professionals.” – @unacuhcp President Denise Duncan. #Strikesgiving #1u
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) November 16, 2021
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Seniors have had to put up with greed from wealthy pharmaceutical corporations for far too long.
It’s time to get #BuildBackBetter passed and require Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) November 16, 2021
Amalgamated Transit Union:
#Covid_19 #1u #Labour
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) November 17, 2021
American Federation of Musicians:
This #VeteransDay, we’re proud to honor the incredible #musicians who have served our country. Our nation wouldn’t be what is today without the service and sacrifice of our #veterans. Honoring #USMilitary musicians: current, past, and future. #thankyouforyourservice
— AFM (@The_AFM) November 11, 2021
American Federation of Teachers:
Talking with grieving students about their loss helps them cope. Increasing all students’ awareness of the impact of loss can also help those who are grieving. Learn more this November, Children’s Grief Awareness month:
— AFT (@AFTunion) November 16, 2021
American Postal Workers Union:
Yesterday, @JoeBiden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. APWU applauds this historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure, and urges congress to pass the pro-worker Build Back Better Act.
— APWU National (@APWUnational) November 16, 2021
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
When it comes to our family’s health, we can’t get distracted by false health information by extremists seeking to cause harm. One of the ways they do this is by repeating claims to make incidental side effects seem significant when they’re not. #NotInMyFeed
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) November 16, 2021
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
The attack on voting rights is a direct attack on Flight Attendant voting rights. Most Election Days we are flying and away from home. That’s why we rely on early voting and mail ballots for local, state, & national elections. The Freedom to Vote Act must be passed by the Senate!
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) November 17, 2021
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
What’s that saying about a Sleeping Giant? 🤔#kelloggstrike #1u #contractconcessions101 #twotiertravesty
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) November 12, 2021
Here’s a #NAW2021 fact thanks to @NABTU
As a #Boilermaker apprentice you will be trained for your craft and set up for a better life which leads to a family-sustaining career 👨🏭#BoilermakersUnion #UnionStrong #1u
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) November 16, 2021
Apprentices are the lifeblood of our #Union and the industry. This #NAW2021, as we celebrate our quality training programs, let’s remember that we’re developing a skilled workforce for tomorrow. #1u #apprenticeships
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) November 15, 2021
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
Congratulations to Elise Bryant on being re-elected President of CLUW. #CLUWCon2021
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) November 16, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
Happening now in DC: CWAers and friends demand #VotingRightsNow!
— CWA (@CWAUnion) November 17, 2021
Department for Professional Employees:
ICYMI: Union Busting on @LastWeekTonight with John Oliver #1u
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) November 16, 2021
Electrical Workers:
This #IBEW local is welcoming back its members in the tastiest way imaginable.
— IBEW (@IBEW) November 16, 2021
Farm Labor Organizing Committee:
It takes a long journey to win justice for farmworkers. We need your support as we continue to fight together. Take action by joining for our annual Songs for Justice concert on Nov. 20th with the Aguila Negra Band and GRAMMY-nominated Joe Troop. #UniteForFarmworkers
— Farm Labor Organizing Committee (@SupportFLOC) November 12, 2021
Fire Fighters:
Former @PFFPNC President David Anders presented with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine at the state convention Tuesday. It is the most prestigious award presented by the Governor of North Carolina.
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) November 16, 2021
Heat and Frost Insulators:
Did you know that you are able to receive a post-high school education without accumulating student related debt? A career in the trades beginning with a registered apprenticeship puts you right on the path to the middle-class debt free! Find out more here
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) November 17, 2021
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
IFPTE Local 195’s Tim Rudolph and Sherry Thomas, Local 561’s Mike Arendt and IFPTE Pres. Matt Biggs are at the White House for the signing of @JoeBiden‘s historic bipartisan infrastructure plan. #bidendelivers #buildbackbetter #bipartisaninfrastructuredeal
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) November 15, 2021
International Labor Communications Association:
Registration is now open for our Dec. 9 virtual convention
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) November 15, 2021
President Joe Biden signed his landmark $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday. The bill will inject $550 billion of new funds into transportation, broadband and utilities over the next five years.
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) November 15, 2021
Jobs With Justice:
ICYMI: A few weeks ago, Jobs With Justice joined with @Teamsters, @onefairwage, and members of Congress to call on the Senate to pass the #PROAct. Our full event wrap-up here. 👇🏾
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) November 16, 2021
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers on strike ✊🏽
— LCLAA Los Angeles (@lclaalosangeles) November 16, 2021
The skilled Building Trades registered apprenticeship programs have been a path to the Middle Class for generations of Americans. #NAW21 #ApprenticeshipWorks
Learn more about LIUNA’s apprenticeship:
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) November 17, 2021
We will not sit by and watch the exploitation of U.S. workers continue.
Thanks for having our back, Rep. @BennieGThompson.
— Machinists Union | Pass the #PROAct (@MachinistsUnion) November 17, 2021
Maritime Trades Department:
— MaritimeTrades (@Maritime_Trades) November 16, 2021
Metal Trades Department:
In 2020 there was an increase in the number of completed apprenticeship programs and active apprenticeships. There were 222,243 who became active apprentices during the year and 82,379 who completed their programs. #NAW21
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) November 17, 2021
Mine Workers:
Johnny Murphy from UMWA Local Union 2397 wants to give a shout-out to @unitehere for their INCREDIBLE donation to the UMWA 2021 Strike Fund!
If you would like to support the Brothers and Sisters on strike at Warrior Met visit:
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) November 15, 2021
Musical Artists:
AGMAzine has earned a Gold Award in the 2021 MarCom Awards! AGMA was recognized for its 2021 Winter issue “The New Frontier”. Continue reading:
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) November 16, 2021
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge represented NATCA at the recent World ATM Congress in Madrid. The event’s return after two years signaled a key step in the global aviation recovery.
— NATCA (@NATCA) November 17, 2021
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA:
Honoring those who served. Thank you. 🇺🇸#VeteransDay2021
— NABET-CWA (@NABETCWA) November 11, 2021
National Association of Letter Carriers:
Members of Jacksonville, FL Branch 53 participated in a Veterans Day parade last week. Thank you for your service!
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) November 17, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
BREAKING: Senate Hearing Raises Expectations For Biden Administration on Immigrant Worker Rights: Senator Booker and Secretary Mayorkas Make Case for Deferred Action Status : #dale
— NDLON (@NDLON) November 16, 2021
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
Care workers do so much to support our loved ones. It’s time for Congress to support care workers, too. By passing the #BuildBackBetter bill, Congress can ensure everyone who needs care can receive the attention they need. #TimeToDeliver #CareCantWait
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) November 17, 2021
National Federation of Federal Employees:
Veterans Day Message from NFFE National President Randy Erwin –
— NFFE (@NFFE_Union) November 11, 2021
National Nurses United:
Workers in male-dominated fields (police, firefighters) get “presumptive eligibility” for workers’ comp.
But nurses suffer some of the highest rates of injury at work of any profession. Why are we left without this benefit? #CarePenalty #NurseTwitter
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) November 17, 2021
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
16 workers killed on the job.
The work of #LosDeliveristas – some of the best we’ve seen – is going to save lives. It’s deep and moving. And @SenSchumer using his power to deliver to grassroots workers is changing the game. #DeliveristasHUBs Now! Power to @workersjusticep!
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) November 16, 2021
NWSL Players Association:
A true leader.
Thank you @clubelevenmag for highlighting the tireless work of @torihuster and the PA!
— NWSLPA (@nwsl_players) November 16, 2021
NFL Players Association:
👏👏👏 @megatronnie continuing to make an impact in his community.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) November 17, 2021
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
What’d I tell you… BIF is a BFD.
Thank you, @POTUS, for getting the job done 💪#BidenDelivers // #1u // @WhiteHouse
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) November 16, 2021
Office and Professional Employees:
Wesleyan university students and physical plant employees unionized with @OPEIU Local 153 stand in solidarity with unionizing workers at @BatesCollege #1u
— OPEIU Local 153 (@153Local) November 10, 2021
Painters and Allied Trades:
Union apprenticeships like ours in the building trades:
✅World-class education, free of charge.
✅Earn while you learn.
✅Robust benefits on day one.
✅Begin pension on day one.
✅Starting salary above national median salary.
✅Flexibility to work anywhere in the country.— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) November 17, 2021
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
Kudos to @POTUS for signing the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Monday, creating millions of new, good union jobs. Now Congress must finish the job by passing the Build Back Better Act to secure America’s middle class!
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) November 16, 2021
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
PASS is proud to represent thousands of veterans @FAANews & @MCASCPPA. They continue to serve their country as federal employees, working 24/7/365 for the American public. #VeteransDay2021 #publicservice #aviationsafety #unionsolidarity @FAA_Steve
— PASS (@PASSNational) November 11, 2021
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
STATEMENT on Blue Origin subsidy in #NDAA: “Until Jeff Bezos changes the way his employees are mistreated and dehumanized at Amazon and elsewhere, no elected official should support the passage of subsidies for him or any of his projects” –@sappelbaum
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) November 17, 2021
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Working with a nail gun? Choose the safest trigger option – a full sequential trigger. It can prevent serious, even fatal, injuries. For more tips on using nail guns safely, visit: #roofersafety365
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) November 17, 2021
#KnowHerName: Learn about lawyer, activist, and former presidential advisor Kimberly Teehee, the first Cherokee Nation delegate in the House
of Representatives.Thank you to @womenshistory for this moment in history.#NativeAmericanHeritageMonth
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) November 16, 2021
To expand the Navy isn’t enough. We need a bigger commercial fleet. via @BrookingsInst #Maritime #USA #1u #Jobs
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) November 12, 2021
Solidarity Center:
With just 1 yr to go until the 2022 @FIFAWorldCup time is running out for #Qatar to deliver on its promise to abolish the kafala sponsorship system & better protect #migrantworkers, per new @amnesty report. @GAATW_IS @FES_Migration
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) November 17, 2021
The signing of the bipartisan infrastructure bill yesterday was a historic moment for our country and our union as the bill makes massive investments in our crafts. We were proud and honored to attend the bill signing ceremony. #1u #InfrastructureBill #InfrastructureWeek
— Transportation Communications Union/IAM (@TCUnionHQ) November 16, 2021
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Members of three New York Times unions joined forces on Tuesday to deliver a message to management: Stop union busting. Respect our union.
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) November 17, 2021
Theatrical Stage Employees:
What does it mean to be Sober Curious?
Join us on Friday, 11/19 for a webinar with Rosalyn Gilbert, LCSW, and Joshua Snow, LCSW, from the @TheActorsFund Addiction and Recovery Services.
Register here:
— IATSE // #IASolidarity (@IATSE) November 17, 2021
Transport Workers Union:
“If there’s not a no-fly list, people are going to continue to assault plane crews and gate agents. Its an absolute must that this list be established.” – @TWUSamuelsen #EnoughIsEnough
— TWU (@transportworker) November 17, 2021
Transportation Trades Department:
TTD Pres. Greg Regan to @TransportDems: We do not believe that a shortage of employees in the supply chain is a factor in current conditions.
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) November 17, 2021
Jeff is a Vietnam vet and activist who’s heard a lot of talk about supporting our vets over the years. #TheBuildBackBetterAct addresses the needs of vets including support for the VA & workforce & building improvements to streamline care for our nation’s veterans. #UAWVeterans
— UAW (@UAW) November 11, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
In the words of @JasonIsbell “What have we done to Help” today? #1u
— Union Veterans Council🪖✊ Pass the #PROAct (@unionveterans) November 17, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:@HelloFresh Workers Allege Frequent Injuries, Dangerous Working Conditions Inside America’s #1 Meal Kit Company’s CA & CO Factories
Workers & union ask gov’t to investigate occupational hazards as new data reveal higher-than-average injury rates
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) November 16, 2021
United Food and Commercial Workers:
Did you know that the @UFCW Free College Benefit is now offering a free online #Cannabis Business Certificate program for its members and their families?
Sign up today to take advantage of this benefit! For more details, visit: #CannabisUnion
— UFCW Local 400 (@UFCW400) November 17, 2021
United Steelworkers:
. @exxonmobilbmt @exxonmobil put our @USWLu13_243 families on the streets in a #ULPLockOut & now it’s personal! We’re fighting not just for us, but all of us for SAFETY, SECURITY & SENIORITY of our community @CityofBmt too! #FairContract
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) November 16, 2021
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Drumroll please….. the 25th USAS National Convention will be March 18-19, 2022 at Fresno State University – YOU’RE INVITED!! Register now at
— USAS (@USAS) November 8, 2021
Utility Workers:
November is National Native American Heritage Month! Pay tribute by learning more about the rich ancestry and traditions of native peoples by visiting
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) November 16, 2021
Working America:
It’s time for @generalelectric to believe in America and restore its commitment to service members.
Find out more from @CWAUnion at #VeteransDay #1u— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) November 11, 2021
Writers Guild of America, East:
This week on OnWriting: A Podcast of the Writers Guild of America, East….
Co-writers of @DUNEmovieThey discuss the challenges of writing a story that serves 2 audiences, focusing on the human element in sci-fi, & more.
— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) November 16, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Thu, 11/18/2021 – 10:00