Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at Nava PBC Form Largest Union in Civic Tech

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at Nava PBC Form Largest Union in Civic Tech

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Workers at Nava PBC made history on Friday, winning voluntary recognition to form the biggest union of civic technology workers in America. Last month, they requested a formal card-check process for their new bargaining unit, Nava United, which was organized by the Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU) Tech Workers Union Local 1010.

As these new union members head to the bargaining table, senior infrastructure engineer Sean Fern said: “Everyone asks, ‘What are our demands in building a union?’ And yes, this is about improving our conditions at work—like pay and [paid time off]—but the longer we’ve been organizing, the more I’ve realized this isn’t about any particular demand. We’re doing this to get a say in how company policy evolves in the coming years. We’re doing this to improve how both tech and government contracting industries treat workers.”

Kenneth Quinnell
Tue, 03/29/2022 – 09:30

Updated: April 7, 2022 — 12:54 am