Take Action: Support Delta Flight Attendants Fighting for a Union!

Thousands of flight attendants at Delta Air Lines are organizing for fair wages and better benefits. Management is spending millions of dollars trying to stop them. Will you support the flight attendants as they fight for a union?
In recent years, Delta had nearly double the profits of any other airline in the industry. All thanks to the people behind those profits—Delta flight attendants.
Delta flight attendants are organizing with the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) for a real voice on the job, for work rules management can’t just change on whim, and for industry-leading compensation and work rules that match flight attendants’ contribution to the industry’s leading, most profitable airline.
So in 2019, flight attendants at Delta launched their organizing drive and have been fighting for a union ever since. Even in the face of management’s union-busting.
If you support Delta flight attendants and their fight for a union, become a supporter now.
Kenneth Quinnell
Fri, 09/30/2022 – 13:04