Thank You, Mom: In the States Roundup

It’s time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alabama AFL-CIO:
— Alabama AFL-CIO (@AlabamaAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Alaska AFL-CIO:
The House voted down an amendment that would have allowed the #akgov to waste more money on frivolous lawsuits seeking to undermine our rights to bargain collectively. #UnionStrong #akleg
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Arizona AFL-CIO:
Pass the #PROAct
— Arizona AFL-CIO // #PassThePROAct (@ArizonaAFLCIO) April 29, 2021
California Labor Federation:
To all the Moms out there, we’re so grateful for everything you do. We appreciate you and thank you! From all of us @CaliforniaLabor, #HappyMothersDay!
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) May 9, 2021
Colorado AFL-CIO:
Pass #SB87 #coleg #copolitics #agworkersrights
— Colorado AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOCO) May 5, 2021
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
Barry Williams, former Secretary-Treasurer of the Connecticut AFL-CIO, passed away last week. Our thoughts are with his family going through this difficult time.
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Florida AFL-CIO:
“We still have an unemployment insurance system that is not working,” Templin contended. “And it doesn’t matter if we’re in a pandemic or the normal ups and downs of our economic cycles. Our unemployment insurance system is a joke.”
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Georgia AFL-CIO:
Georgia’s hair and makeup artists deserve dignity and respect on the job, in real time. It’s past time for The Georgia Opera to do better for their workers. Take action! #1u
— Georgia AFL-CIO // Pass The #ProAct (@AFLCIOGeorgia) May 7, 2021
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
Protect your coworkers, get vaccinated. 💉
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Iowa Federation of Labor:
Iowa Federation of Labor Hall of Fame 2021
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) May 11, 2021
Maine AFL-CIO:
Beautiful story about Senate President Jackson (@GoIUPAT) & his mother Colleen.
“He was always a champion for the underdog,” she said, relating that when in second grade Troy wrote to President Carter when he felt a student with special needs was being mistreated at school.
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO:
Happy #InternationalWorkersDay!
— Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO (@MDDCStateFed) May 1, 2021
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
Secretary Walsh is 100% right. Gig workers are employees and deserve the same benefits and protections as other employees. @SecMartyWalsh #mapoli #1u
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@massaflcio) April 29, 2021
Michigan AFL-CIO:
.@GovWhitmer has proclaimed it Nurses Week in Michigan! Everyone in the Michigan labor movement is so grateful for the selfless sacrifices our frontline heroes have made over the last year. THANK YOU!!
— Michigan AFL-CIO 😷 (@MIAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
Labor Law Is Stuck in 1947. It’s No Surprise Companies Keep Winning. Pass the #PROAct #1u
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
Missouri AFL-CIO:
Paying workers a living wage attracts workers, good for business, and boosts the economy. #1u
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) May 11, 2021
Nebraska AFL-CIO:
Support LB 241 today in the Nebraska Unicameral, Meatpacking workers deserve safe jobs during COVID. #1u #passtheproact #EssentialWorkers
— NE State AFL-CIO (@NEAFLCIO) May 6, 2021
Nevada State AFL-CIO:
AB227 is up for a work session this morning.
This legislation as written is NECESSARY to curbing contractor misclassification, exploitation, and abuse.
Will you show your support? ⤵
— Nevada State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@NVAFLCIO) May 11, 2021
New Hampshire AFL-CIO:
The @steelworkers are right—”right to work” is WRONG for New Hampshire.
All NH working families will suffer if SB-61 is passed. We’re not standing for it. #NHPolitics
— NewHampshire AFL-CIO (@NHAFLCIO) May 10, 2021
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO shares our deepest gratitude for all the ways these essential workers stepped up throughout the last year of the pandemic.
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) May 6, 2021
New Mexico Federation of Labor:
We support our Sisters and Brothers @UA_UNM in their fight for a fair contract.@AFTNM @AFLCIO
— NMFL Pass the PROAct // (@NMFLaflcio) April 29, 2021
New York State AFL-CIO:
NYS AFL-CIO Pres. Cilento Applauds Signing of NY HERO Act – “We thank the Dem Majorities in both houses, the bill sponsors, @SenGianaris and Assemblymember @KarinesReyes87 and @NYGovCuomo for making workplace health and safety a priority, particularly now during the pandemic.”
— NYS AFL-CIO // #UnionStrong (@NYSAFLCIO) May 6, 2021
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
🚨🚨🚨 URGENT: A self dealing NC Senator, himself the target of multiple retaliation lawsuits, is trying to take away your right to pursue legal action when you experience retaliation at work! ACT NOW -> #ncga #ncpol #1u
— NC State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct! (@NCStateAFLCIO) May 6, 2021
North Dakota AFL-CIO:
Today, April 28th, Workers Memorial Day and the 50-year anniversary of OSHA, we remember the 18 workers who died on the job in North Dakota last year.
— North Dakota AFL-CIO (@NDAFLCIO) April 28, 2021
The #Ohio @AFLCIO is proud to be a part of the #Votercade to stop voter suppression.
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) May 8, 2021
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
The Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO did a good job of compiling the best parts of of President Biden’s Address before Congress yesterday.
Click below to hear highlights of one of the most Pro-Union Presidential Speeches!
— Oklahoma AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) April 29, 2021
Oregon AFL-CIO:
Learn more about the incredible work Oregon’s entertainment unions have done to support members out of work and keep workers safe on the job during the pandemic on our latest podcast episode. #1u @IATSE @sagaftra @The_AFM @AFLCIO
— Oregon AFL-CIO / PASS THE PRO ACT (@OregonAFLCIO) May 9, 2021
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
U.S. Steel should honor the generations of PA workers who made them a global leader in the industry and reinvest in our Commonwealth.
We stand with the @steelworkers ✊— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) May 6, 2021
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
At-will employment is a pandemic tragedy for older workers via @OnLaborBlog
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) May 10, 2021
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
Do not be fooled by this false narrative. Tennesseans want to work. Unfortunately, our state leads the country in the # of minimum wage jobs & this overflow of available jobs pay wages that are not able to sustain an individual, let alone a family. #1u
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) May 11, 2021
Texas AFL-CIO:
Solidarity! The @steelworkers @USWBat light 🦇 shines bright tonight on Exxon Mobil who is locking out over 600 workers in Beaumont, TX. #1u #UnionStrong #solidarity
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) May 11, 2021
Virginia AFL-CIO:
.@MarkWarner , may the 4th be with you today to sign on to the #PROAct
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) May 4, 2021
Washington State Labor Council:
A well-deserved shout out for the entire staff of @TheStandWA aka the one-man powerhouse David Groves, WSLC Communications Director. #1u
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) May 5, 2021
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
PRO Act will protect workers, their bargaining rights, and their bank accounts #passthePROAct
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) May 11, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Tue, 05/11/2021 – 10:02