Unions Improve Workers’ Lives: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here’s a look at the broad range of activities we’re engaged in this week.
Actors’ Equity:
Our newest report on how state and local arts agencies can be a force for change is available now! https://t.co/QnvPpL9hh4 https://t.co/vxMF2rHpDt
— Actors’ Equity (@ActorsEquity) December 14, 2021
“Employees are furious. Forcing everyone back to offices on the same date not only endangers the health and safety of employees, but it goes against the Biden administration’s call to expand telework and remote options.”https://t.co/49zrzz7Ey6
— AFGE (@AFGENational) December 13, 2021
“When you have staff working 16 hours a day, three or four days a week, they become fatigued. Reaction times are down, making them less aware of their surroundings. That makes for a more dangerous prison.” – Adam Barnard, president of OCSEA Chapter 4818 https://t.co/LyXMcdUzuo
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) December 13, 2021
Alliance for Retired Americans:
With new nominees for its governing board, the USPS is primed to reverse the postal slowdown that occurred earlier this year.
By adding your name to our petition, you can demand that the nominees demonstrate a commitment to our Postal Service: https://t.co/e0z05XANHM
— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) December 13, 2021
Amalgamated Transit Union:
The ATU stands in solidarity with striking Kellogg’s workers. Shame on Kellogg’s bosses for trying to permanently replace their workers for exercising their legal right to strike. #NoScabs #1u pic.twitter.com/FMt1OuWuSt
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) December 14, 2021
American Federation of Musicians:
As working-class musicians, singers, dancers, actors, stagehands, and other arts workers across the country return to work, the last thing they need is a tax code that punishes them for seeking work. Tell Congress to Restore Tax Fairness for Arts Workers! https://t.co/vaHEIYIalm https://t.co/EIOn2GtMPQ
— AFM (@The_AFM) December 8, 2021
American Federation of Teachers:
3rd graders can weld?? Here’s how a school district in southern Ohio is equipping students with valuable job skills. pic.twitter.com/Yjifgokqht
— AFT (@AFTunion) December 13, 2021
American Postal Workers Union:
NEW: A summary of the 2021-2024 tentative agreement between APWU & USPS is now available to read.https://t.co/jZAXDrP4w3
— APWU National (@APWUnational) December 11, 2021
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
Will you support indigenous migrant workers from India?
We just need every APALA follower to donate $5
–> https://t.co/mrTKI0gco7This would support the over 200 workers who were brought to NJ to construct a Hindu temple and faced workplace abuses. pic.twitter.com/RKjC8DLvvz
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) December 13, 2021
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
Proud to stand with @UniteThePoor and today’s Moral Monday March on Washington to take on racism, poverty and inequality to make lasting change. https://t.co/pQ3w7sYysf
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) December 13, 2021
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
A fair contract could fill those openings in seconds #justsayin#KelloggsStrike https://t.co/fBcfED26iW
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) December 10, 2021
Tuesday Newsday: In an opinion piece from the American Prospect, read how unions improve workers’ lives ➡️ https://t.co/EVvmbNZEje@TheProspect #BoilermakersUnion #UnionStrong #1u
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) December 14, 2021
“This year, I’ve seen many women on the job,” Lee said. “It’s amazing to see them shooting, laying brick, casting and ramming.” Angela Lee — a refractory member of BAC Local 1 Alberta 🍁https://t.co/41vSfCwDen pic.twitter.com/S1Q4pLWvCz
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) December 10, 2021
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
December 10 is International Human Rights Day, the day the @UN General Assembly adopted in 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being. https://t.co/0LX0IrOFRH
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) December 10, 2021
Communications Workers of America:
Check out this week’s CWA bargaining update! https://t.co/3UrMjvH8J1
— CWA (@CWAUnion) December 12, 2021
Department for Professional Employees:
The National Endowment for the Arts does a pretty good job at supporting the arts industry but could do an even better job with more money explains @ActorsEquity President Kate Shindle pic.twitter.com/AzWI7zzsIW
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) December 14, 2021
Electrical Workers:
— IBEW (@IBEW) December 14, 2021
Farm Labor Organizing Committee:
Rev. Barber asked Baldemar to do the benediction at his church service yesterday morning and we receive these calls full of gratitude and humility. Faith has always played a large role in FLOC’s work. Many walks of faith have stood by FLOC. #uniteforfarmworkers
Job12:22/Amos5:24 pic.twitter.com/4eMpBRxA9D— Farm Labor Organizing Committee (@SupportFLOC) December 6, 2021
Fire Fighters:
Electrical fires are very common in the winter. Get your wiring looked at by a specialist. #IAFFsafetytips pic.twitter.com/1s4QXdRgCm
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) December 14, 2021
Heat and Frost Insulators:
If you’re not yet – consider subscribing to us on YouTube! All the cool Insulators are doing it. 😎
While you’re there, listen to LMCT Executive Director Ielmini on a labor podcast to talk about Mechanical Insulation’s role in climate change. https://t.co/CSRcYRiAqP— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) December 13, 2021
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
EPI Report on Massive Wage Theft from H-1B Workers and Preferential Hiring Highlights the Urgent Need for Oversight, Enforcement, and Reform of H-1B Visa Program — https://t.co/mZOGWfsqzS
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) December 9, 2021
International Labor Communications Association:
Beautiful commemorative journal https://t.co/MZiQazUkFM
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) December 9, 2021
We are proud to participate in honoring the memory of President Richard L. Trumka who devoted his life to working men and women.https://t.co/yWD4gax1FO
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) December 10, 2021
Jobs With Justice:
This December, make a contribution to Jobs With Justice, help support our campaigns and make a difference for working families. Your contribution will be MATCHED $1 for $1.
Donation link 👇🏾https://t.co/q7vEZDwV6a pic.twitter.com/uRtumHFVGI
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) December 8, 2021
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
Today, members of Pittsburgh LCLAA are joining in solidarity with all undocumented workers to demand a #Path2Citizenship! https://t.co/eqrxdQKhrh
— LCLAA (@LCLAA) December 14, 2021
.@LIUNA members working hard on the #NortheastBoundaryTunnel before this morning’s sunrise #MemberMonday pic.twitter.com/dSevyn2AxN
— LiUNA! Mid-Atlantic (@maLiUNA) December 13, 2021
.@IAMAWCanada‘s Local Lodge 3111 members ratify new contract with the Canadian Labour Congress. https://t.co/68SRUstQBL
— Machinists Union | Pass the #PROAct (@MachinistsUnion) December 14, 2021
Maritime Trades Department:
HAWAII PMC THANKS KAHELE FOR JONES ACT SUPPORThttps://t.co/AG0I71qaA5 pic.twitter.com/tuk7VOx49X
— MaritimeTrades (@Maritime_Trades) December 2, 2021
Metal Trades Department:
After 15 years, on December 11th, 2018, in Tar Heel, North Carolina, Smithfield Foods pork processing plant works vote to unionize. The plant is one of the largest in the world, making the unionization of the plant historic.#LaborHistory pic.twitter.com/Zf6krWXdOc
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) December 5, 2021
Mine Workers:
Join us for a press conference with President Cecil Roberts, @AFLCIO President @LizShuler, @SenWarren and @SenSherrodBrown on the harm private equity firms have caused striking workers. https://t.co/YAVscAFeqe
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) December 14, 2021
Musical Artists:
AGMA is ecstatic to formally introduce to you the newest members of AGMA’s professional staff! Continue reading: https://t.co/vJrQqon6j8 pic.twitter.com/RwBdSyRA8u
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) December 13, 2021
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
Oregon Congressman & House Comm on T&I (@TransportDems) Chairman @RepPeterDeFazio announced he is not seeking re-election in 2022. #NATCA President Rich Santa thanked him for having been a fierce champion for aviation safety & transportation labor. https://t.co/RTmYC6Ucmq pic.twitter.com/rQq3ZWGFqF
— NATCA (@NATCA) December 13, 2021
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA:
NBC Bulletin – Master Agreement Extension & Wage Increase #bulletin #negotiations pic.twitter.com/ZrecSs6kCr
— NABET-CWA (@NABETCWA) December 4, 2021
National Association of Letter Carriers:
As the holiday season continues, it’s a great time to think about giving back! CFC Open Season will continue through December. Sign up to contribute through the CFC Online Donation System at https://t.co/OejYtKg1gh. pic.twitter.com/XZj9o96aAc
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) December 14, 2021
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
Our very own Bus de la Justicia making its debut in the #FundExcludedWorkers march to @GovKathyHochul today! NYS needs $3B – No day laborer should be left behind, no worker should be left behind ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🚍 #jornalerxs en la lucha! https://t.co/Ol8ZPYqLGZ
— NDLON (@NDLON) December 10, 2021
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
There’s too much at stake for care workers for the Senate not to act. Each day they don’t take action is another day workers do not have the support they need to take care of themselves.
It’s time to get it done! https://t.co/2CCjDxshZE
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) December 14, 2021
National Nurses United:
If @OSHA_DOL doesn’t act soon, critical protections in the Covid-19 health care emergency temporary standard will expire NEXT WEEK.
We MUST have permanent standards to #ProtectHealthCareWorkers and our communities! Add your name ⤵️ https://t.co/KNalzA3Vjm
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) December 13, 2021
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
Thank you @mollycrabapple for continuing to bring light to our movement and campaign. Cover story!!! We’re thrilled and honored! https://t.co/PljDYdkCox
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) December 13, 2021
NWSL Players Association:
#USWNT players have always been with us, but today, we officially welcome previously allocated players as members of NWSLPA as we continue to work w/ the @USWNTPlayers in our collective fight for #equalpay, #fairpay, & player safety in the NWSL & worldwide.
One Team. One Union. https://t.co/isvvVHthOu
— NWSLPA (@nwsl_players) December 13, 2021
NFL Players Association:
Less than a week after @jctretter was elected President of the NFLPA, the country went into a shutdown. Here’s a look at how he navigated a CBA negotiation, COVID-19 protocols and a 17-game season–all in his first year.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) December 13, 2021
North America’s Building Trades Unions:
ICYMI: Read about @CDNTrades’ new partnership with the @CFLPA & @Skillplan announced last week 👀🙌 https://t.co/z0mn9F8OG1
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) December 13, 2021
Office and Professional Employees:
We’re SO proud to call @bcworkersunion the newest members of our growing union family with @techunion1010.
Tech. Workers. Deserve. A. Union.
Thanks to @bigcartel for doing the right thing. Let’s start bargaining for a stronger organization by building a better workplace 🎉🎉🎉 https://t.co/TTuRTNn86I
— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) December 13, 2021
Painters and Allied Trades:
We agree with @POTUS – We must pass legislation that finally bans the hideous practice of replacing striking workers.
The usage of scabs is a tool of destruction that obliterates trust and destroys communities. https://t.co/9TkomteACT
— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) December 10, 2021
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
The #OPCMIA is about family and community. In this 2021 Holiday Season video, you will see highlights of some of the ways we serve our communities and our nation, and how we support our sisters and brothers now and throughout the year. https://t.co/SocS2UBW7W
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) December 13, 2021
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
Congrats @SBWorkersUnited on your victory in Buffalo! First step is always hardest. Every worker deserves to be treated w/ dignity, respect & have a safe workplace. Federal employees drink A LOT of coffee & it will taste a whole lot better when poured by union hands! @SEIU #1u
— PASS (@PASSNational) December 10, 2021
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
The #BuildBackBetterAct makes historic investments in working people. Not only does this landmark bill create millions of good-paying jobs, it makes healthcare, education, childcare, & housing more affordable! Learn why our union supports #BuildBackBetter: https://t.co/e7OsFTzjCo pic.twitter.com/64zd2XjMi8
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) December 14, 2021
Roofers and Waterproofers:
Always inspect your fall arrest equipment for damage. If it looks like it needs repair, remove it from service and have an expert examine it. Check out more tips here: https://t.co/fOypIdxnhq #roofersafety365 pic.twitter.com/brW3qJUSVb
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) December 13, 2021
Labor is represented on the @librarycongress #NatFilmRegistry with “Chicana” and “The Wobblies.” Check out the list of this year’s inductees. #1uhttps://t.co/t71Wc2puKM https://t.co/pMoopma8M1
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) December 14, 2021
Congratulations to our very own @dwheindel for a well-deserved AOTOS award. Great to see many friends from @ITFglobalunion in attendance. Sincere congrats to other honorees, too #1u #AOTOS2021 pic.twitter.com/oz1k2DlRea
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) December 4, 2021
Solidarity Center:
Fishers in #Maldives say the government must address job safety & health concerns and stop environmentally damaging practices that impact fisheries, such as land reclamation projects. #climatecrisis #JustTransition!
@theGCF @climate @WedabimaL @mtucMV https://t.co/gIqJOVgFoa— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) December 14, 2021
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Congratulations to the members of @VTDiggerGuild, who voted unanimously to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement with management of the nonprofit digital newsroom! https://t.co/NQPIWhGK3Q https://t.co/cuHzQzwbdO
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) December 14, 2021
Theatrical Stage Employees:
A big IATSE thank-you to @SenSherrodBrown for his tireless support for the arts and the workers that bring them to life!https://t.co/0pleviDP84
— IATSE // #IASolidarity (@IATSE) December 14, 2021
Transport Workers Union:
“As of today, our @JetBlue IFCs are no longer ‘at-will’ employees of the carrier, but Union workers whose employment is secured by an enforceable collective bargaining agreement.” – TWU International President John Samuelsen @TwuSamuelsen https://t.co/ZDJpBtbCJS
— TWU (@transportworker) December 14, 2021
Transportation Trades Department:
BIG NEWS: 5,500 @JetBlue in-flight crew members just ratified their first-ever contract! The 5-year agreement will improve workplace protections and wages for these frontline airline employees. Congrats to our new @transportworker brothers and sisters! #1u https://t.co/yPtNPJ0Qdh
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) December 14, 2021
Expanding EV tax credits for American autos built with union labor is good policy. Call your senators (866-287-6350) and tell them to support the EV tax credit for UNION-MADE electric vehicles made in the U.S. in the Build Back Better Act. #UnionMadeEVs pic.twitter.com/nG0OVjJr5E
— UAW (@UAW) December 14, 2021
Union Veterans Council:
Can we all take a moment to give this @USCG team some props, hats off! #Veterans #Military https://t.co/xhEdOCrsX7
— Union Veterans Council🪖✊ Pass the #PROAct (@unionveterans) December 8, 2021
NEW: Our Union of hospitality workers is honored to stand with courageous @MineWorkers on strike in Alabama. We wanted to pay tribute to the history & legacy of the UMWA, who built the American labor movement—& have stood in solidarity with us thru some of our toughest fights. 🎥 pic.twitter.com/c3Q7gkn12y
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) December 13, 2021
United Food and Commercial Workers:
Every UFCW member can take GED classes for free!
Regardless of when you last went to school, this program provides a customized learning plan to help you prepare to pass the GED test & get your diploma.
For more details, visit: https://t.co/cKP9S4li2Z pic.twitter.com/De8ixIlzpS
— UFCW (@UFCW) December 13, 2021
United Steelworkers:
All we want for Christmas is a fair deal! Stand with our family at USW Local 40 on strike against Special Metals! Sign now: https://t.co/we9wQMU7xc #OneDayLonger #1u #strikemas pic.twitter.com/Ds8DoDgF6Z
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) December 14, 2021
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Great news, y’all! Spring application for USAS regional organizers are now open! Apply at https://t.co/LwQITjuAz0
Applications will close on Sunday, December 19th at 11:59 p.m. ET. If you have any questions, reach out to staff@usas.org! pic.twitter.com/OuBrNopTnJ
— USAS (@USAS) December 12, 2021
Utility Workers:
“Among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly earnings of $1,144 in 2020, while those who were not union members had median weekly earnings of $958.“ – @BLS_gov pic.twitter.com/tbsZCwq15R
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) December 10, 2021
Working America:
Absolutely shameful behavior from @KelloggsUS! #Strikemas #1u https://t.co/O6xaMqAd5p
— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) December 8, 2021
Writers Guild of America, East:
“Among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly earnings of $1,144 in 2020, while those who were not union members had median weekly earnings of $958.“ – @BLS_gov pic.twitter.com/tbsZCwq15R
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) December 10, 2021
Kenneth Quinnell
Tue, 12/14/2021 – 13:47