Guide Dogs of America Third Annual “Whatever Event!”

Join GDA | TLC for their third annual “Whatever Event” as we celebrate individuality and independence.

This isn’t like any other fundraiser 
During our Whatever Event, you can support GDA|TLC by doing “Whatever” activity you want. You can walk, run a 5k, ride a motorcycle, hula hoop while riding a donkey – we don’t care – as long as you dedicate an hour outside with family and friends.  

Put the “fun” in fundraising! 
When you create a fundraising page, you can help provide someone with the life-changing independence of a service dog. By registering, you are automatically given a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card, and top fundraisers are eligible for a $500 amazon gift card. 

Question on how to register? Watch the video here. 

After registering, you can claim your page and begin fundraising!  

Register or Donate 

You can: 

  • Go for a walk 
  • Run a 5k 
  • Ride a bike 
  • Go to the beach 
  • Play an instrument 

The possibilities are endless! 

The post Guide Dogs of America Third Annual “Whatever Event!” appeared first on IAMAW.

Updated: April 28, 2022 — 8:45 am