Friday, April 16, 2021
IAM Officers, Staff and Members — This email newsletter is an effort to better communicate with our membership on how the IAM is fully engaged on important legislative matters that affect our day-to-day lives. Our goal is to get this information out to our membership on the shop floors. Please make it a top priority to consistently share this important new initiative with our membership.
In solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President
HELLO AND WELCOME TO MACHINISTS ON THE HILL, a twice-monthly roundup of legislative advocacy on behalf of IAM members.
Produced by: IAM Legislative and Communications Departments
BIDEN’S INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN WILL GET AMERICA BACK ON TRACK, BRING JOBS HOME: President Biden unveiled his highly-anticipated American Jobs Plan, which the IAM believes will create union jobs with good pay and benefits. IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. released the following statement after Biden introduced the infrastructure bill:
“This moment is exactly why thousands of Machinists Union members went to the polls to support the Biden-Harris ticket and their policy of ‘Build Back Better,’” said Martinez. “The infrastructure package introduced today will impact generations of America’s working families by creating good union jobs that offer decent wages and benefits. The hope this administration brings to America’s workforce stands in stark contrast to where we were a year ago when thousands of our members’ lives were turned upside down due to the pandemic and devastating layoffs. The program introduced today is yet another welcome initiative by the Biden administration that will build back better our vital manufacturing and transportation sectors.”

IP MARTINEZ DEFENDS F-35 PROGRAM: The IAM-built F-35 program is under intense pressure from members of Congress. Production cuts threaten the economic future of our community as well as in countless other communities across the state and nation writes IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and The Hill.
“The F-35 program is also an economic engine for Fort Worth, our state and the nation. This mature program supports more than 254,000 direct and indirect American jobs and about 1,800 first-tier suppliers across the country, not to mention the suppliers that support them. It generates an annual economic impact of more than $49 billion in the U.S.
“The program also fuels significant economic activity across Texas. More than 110 of the program’s suppliers are located in our state, and the program is responsible for more than 55,000 direct and indirect jobs in Texas. This investment amounts to more than $10 billion in our Texas economy. The economic impact of the F-35 program continues to grow.
“Yet, some short-sighted politicians refuse to see the national security and economic benefits of the F-35 program by threatening to reduce funding for the program. Our country can’t afford to lose the military advantages derived from the F-35. Production cuts threaten the economic future of our community as well as in countless other communities across the state and nation. The economic vitality of Fort Worth depends on continued support for the F-35. Let’s rally behind the program,” writes Martinez.
READ: Here’s why Lockheed’s F-35 program remains vital to U.S. security, Fort Worth economy Fort Worth Star-Telegram
READ: Our national security depends on a strong F-35 program built by American workers The Hill

MACHINISTS NATIONWIDE PARTICIPATE IN PRO ACT DAY OF ACTION: Thousands of emails and calls were made during the National Day of Action for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The day called for labor and its allies to let the U.S. Senate know that it’s time to support the hardworking men and women of this country by supporting the PRO Act.
The PRO Act puts workers first and strengthens the rights of workers to join and participate in a labor union. The bill (H.B. 842) passed the House in early March and is expected to be before the U.S. Senate soon.
The PRO Act is the most comprehensive piece of labor legislation introduced since the Great Depression. At its core, it protects the rights of people who want to be part of a labor union and repeals laws that hurt workers.
The PRO Act will:
· Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear or retribution
· Repeal anti-worker “right-to-work” laws across the country
· Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board
· Empower workers to exercise the freedom to organize and bargain
· Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after recognition

IAM CONTINUES TO PUSH FOR JOB SECURITY PROTECTIONS FOR SERVICE CONTRACT ACT WORKERS: The IAM is calling on the Biden administration to reinstate critical job security protections for Service Contract Act (SCA) workers, many of whom work at military bases across the country.
Service Contract workers are private-sector employees who work under federal contracts, primarily at military bases and other federal installations. The IAM represents nearly 40,000 Service Contract Workers in a variety of industries, and in more than 800 locations.
The National Employment Law Project outlined how contracted federal workers will continue to be hurt by bad policies in the Morning Consult.
READ: Workers Can’t Wait Morning Consult

IAM ATTENDS WTO VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON COVID-19 VACCINE EQUITY: U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai recently delivered remarks at the opening session of the World Trade Organization (WTO) virtual conference titled “COVID-19 and vaccine equity: what can the WTO contribute?” In her remarks, Ambassador Tai stressed the need for extraordinary leadership during this extraordinary time and emphasized her commitment to finding solutions that address the gaping divide between developed and developing countries when it comes to access to medicines.
READ: Ambassador Katherine Tai’s remarks at a WTO virtual conference on Covid-19 vaccine equity

MACHINISTS SUPPORTS PASSAGE OF THE WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION FOR HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL SERVICE WORKERS ACT: Bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT) passed the U.S. House of Representatives today. This legislation would create and maintain needed protections against workplace violence for healthcare and social service workers.
“Health care and social service workers who are called on to help us and our families in times of need deserve a safe and secure work environment,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This legislation would instruct the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to issue a workplace violence prevention standard requiring employers in the health care and social service sectors to develop and implement a plan to protect their employees from workplace violence.”

TCU-IAM MEMBERS PARTICIPATE IN ANNUAL RAILROAD DAY ON THE HILL (VIRTUALLY): TCU Members Participate in Annual Railroad Day On-The-Hill (Virtually): TCU Members, Rob Allshouse, David Arouca, Amanda Chapin, William DeCarlo, Greg Kocialski, Keith Schlamandinger, Kevin Lattimer and William Stocks participated in the annual Railroad Day that was held virtually this year to promote moving essential goods and workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, more funding for the Railroad Retirement Board and promoting good, union rail jobs all across America.
NFFE-IAM APPLAUDS VA HQ RESCINDING THREE TRUMP ERA ANTI-LABOR EXECUTIVE ORDERS; NFFE-IAM LOCALS PREVAIL: On March 26, 2021, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) issued a statement to NFFE-IAM fully rescinding policies and actions related to Trump Executive Orders 13836, 13837, and 13839. The three executive orders dated May 25, 2018 were designed to eliminate meaningful due process for federal workers, wreck the federal system of collective bargaining, and make it impossible for federal labor unions to represent their members.
“This is a huge victory for NFFE-IAM, for VA labor-management relationships, and for returning effectiveness and transparency to the VA workforce,” stated NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “We came together as a union to fight on behalf of NFFE-IAM members and the veterans that NFFE-IAM members care for at the VA. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the Local leaders who kept the union alive and vibrant during the Trump attack.”
The post Time to Bring Jobs Home – Defending IAM-Built F-35 – Pushing for the PRO Act appeared first on IAMAW.